Développement de graphismes 32bits
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Développement des graphismes 32 bits : en quoi ça consiste ?

Depuis 2004 beaucoup de travail a été réalisé pour moderniser les graphismes d'openTTD, en leur ajoutant de la couleur et du détail. Tous ces travaux sont regroupés sous le nom dévelopement des graphismes 32bits, 32 bits étant la résolution des nouveaux sprites.

Processus de développement

Un graphiste 32bits développe ses graphismes en 3D avec un logiciel de modélisation 3D, qui a pour fonction de faire un rendu du modèle 3D dans une sprite en 2D, cette dernière étant visible dans le jeu. Obtenir ces sprites [[1]] telle qu'on les voient dans le jeu nécessite de nombreuses modifications du moteur graphique du jeu.

Some topics concerning the feature-completeness of 32bpp graphics remain disputed to this day - to name one undecided matter, whether the game should support only the same maximum zoom level of the original game, or a few levels more.

Pour plus d'informations sur la création de ces graphismes 32bits, voir aussi la doc sur le développement des graphismes 32bits.

Zoom standard et Extra-zoom

Actuellement, le jeu supporte officiellement les mêmes niveaux de zoom pour les Sprites 8bits et 32bits. Un Patch du jeu permet néanmoins le support de deux niveaux de zoom supplémentaires. Pour le moteur officiel du jeu, nous avons les Graphismes 8bits de zoom normal. Pour les niveaux de zoom additionnels, nous avons les graphismes 32bits extra-zoom.

There has traditionally been a gap between these two builds when it comes to graphics development, but these days it is recommended for an artist to render sprites for both builds, as the extra work required is perceived by some to be worth the possibility of 32bpp extra zoom becoming included in the official builds.

Full zoom level allows for much greater detail in the finished product, but this can only be considered eye candy, as playability at such close proximity to the ground becomes questionable.

Project organization

Artists are free to work on whatever item they desire, but it is recommended that they first check the normal and full zoom progress trackers here at the wiki for items that haven't been rendered in 32bpp.

Every time an artist works on any 32bpp graphics item, it is requested that the files in question are uploaded to the 32bit Graphics Development File Repository (en) under the GPLv2 license. This is mostly to avoid loss of material in case development of the file ceases for technical, personal or other reasons.

New graphics, engine features, bug reports, suggestions and other discussion take place at the 32bpp graphics development section at tt-forums. There are general threads for 32bpp normal zoom and 32bpp full zoom graphics. Administrative matters are discussed in the "Organizing 32bpp sprites" thread. There is an ongoing effort in the "32Bpp Graphics Pack" thread to collect completed sprites off the repository into a full, easily installed set for the end user.

Sprites can also be downloaded individually via links at the progress trackers.

When an item is completed, it is primarily the artist's responsibility to keep progress trackers up to date and notify distributors of the existence of their new content. There are volunteers working these administrative tasks but it is in the best interest of the project for the artist to do this themselves if they can.

Not a 3D modeler? You can still contribute

There are a few of ways to contribute to the project besides making 3D models and rendering them. Namely, administrative tasks here at the wiki (progress trackers, etc.), testing graphics and giving feedback, improving the 32bpp graphics engine by means of programming and "coding graphics".

Coding graphics means inputting correct pixel offsets for the sprites so that they line up properly in the game world. This is not difficult and we use a tool called PNGCodec (en) for the coding. It is a slightly time consuming and repetitive business, which is why we need contributions there every now and then.

/File/en/Archive/Old 32bpp/8bpp opengfx normalzoom.jpeg

Gameplay scene at 8bpp, full zoom level.

/File/en/Archive/Old 32bpp/32bpp normalzoom.jpeg

Gameplay scene at 32bpp-normal zoom, full zoom level.

/File/en/Archive/Old 32bpp/32bpp fullzoom.jpeg

Gameplay scene at 32bpp-full zoom, full zoom level.