Progress bar

20% completed



This template draws a progress bar. The value to supply as the parameter is the percent, from 0 to 0.01 or 0.99 to 1 or 1.01 to 99.99 or 100. 14 would mean 14%, .14 would be 0.14%. If you don't specify a value, it returns 0%.

Optional parameters

width = defaults to 75%

text = message to display after %; defaults to: completed.

total = amount to use as the denominator (instead of 100), allows the template to compute the percentage on the fly

height = height in pixels; defaults to 2px

Optional Advanced parameters

style = use css style syntax, for example font-size:80%; or margin:left; ,Defaults to: margin:auto; (dont for get the ; in the end of the line)