This page or section contains content that is no longer relevant for the current version of OpenTTD. Please keep it intact because it shows some of the history of this wiki as documentation.
This page is only valid up to version 1.8. Later versions require Visual C++ 2015 or newer.
A step by step guide for compile successfully OpenTTD in Visual Studio 2012. Note the 2008/2010 version of this document contains more information (such as creating a bundle) and is more verbose, hence if you get stuck it is recommended to look at that document as well.
Before Start
I'm assuming that you have Microsoft Visual Studio installed and running.
Required software
- Microsoft® Windows® SDK
- openttd-useful-X.X-win.zip -> Source files needed to compile.
- DMusic_for_OpenTTD.zip -> Old DirectMusic includes.
- TortoiseSVN A Windows program for get and update code from SVN repositories.
This guide has been tested on Windows 8 64 bits, it should work on other Windows versions too, if you find any additional errors please let us know in the forum.
Step 1 - Preparing the files
1.1 Create your main Work
folder (ie C:\OpenTTD
1.2 Create a subfolder called trunk
inside the previously created folder.
1.3 Select trunk
folder and make a check-out with TortoiseSVN using https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD.git as URL (if you need help see svn checkout)
1.4 Extract the previously downloaded file openttd-useful-X.X-win.zip
inside our Work
folder and a folder called OpenTTD essentials
will be created.
1.5 Extract the previously downloaded file DMusic_for_OpenTTD.zip
inside OpenTTD essentials
Step 2 - Configure Visual Studio
2.1 If you have Visual Studio running, close it first, then install Microsoft Windows SDK
2.2 Open Microsoft Visual Studio and go to File -> Open Project
2.3 Select the file (WorkFolder)\trunk\projects\openttd_vs100.sln
2.4 A popup will ask you to update the compiler settings, click Update
2.5 Go to Compile -> Configuration Administrator
and select Configuration: Release
2.6 Right click on the openttd
project in Solution Explorer
and select Properties
2.7 Select Configuration: Release
at the top of the Property window.
You can leave both settings as default in
if you want but you will need to repeat these steps when you change it later to Release.
2.8 Navigate to Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories
2.9 Select Include files folder
and add (WorkFolder)\OpenTTD essentials\shared\include;
to the list.
DON'T forget the final semicolon(;) it's important.
2.10 Select Library files folder
and add (WorkFolder)\OpenTTD essentials\win32\library;
to the list. Again
DON'T forget the final semicolon(;) it's important, change win32 to win64 if you want to compile a x64 build.
You can try now to build the solution.
Your final file will be in (WorkFolder)\trunk\objs\Win32\Release\openttd.exe
Error troubleshooting
Fix Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol ___iob_func openttd C:\OpenTTD\trunk\projects\libpng.lib(pngerror.obj)
You're probably using an outdated version of openttd-useful. You can find version 6.0 here: https://www.openttd.org/en/download-openttd-useful/6.0.
For more details, see the discussion here: https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=73769.
Fix for Error C1083: Cannot open (include file/source file) 'X' No such file or directory
This usually happens when you try to compile only the openttd
project, you must compile entire solution because some needed files are created by scripts "on the fly"
Solution: Select Solution 'openttd_vs100'
in Solution Explorer
, make right click with the mouse over it and click on Compile Solution
Fix for Error C1189: "The C++ Standard Library forbids macroizing keywords. Enable warning C4005 to find the forbidden macro[...]"
Open the project's Property Pages dialog box. (See step 2.6)
Navigate to C/C++ -> Preprocessor
Select Preprocessor Definitions
and add
to the list. DON'T forget the final ; it's important
Fix Error LNK2026: "Module unsafe for SAFESEH image[...]"
Open the project's Property Pages
dialog box. (See step 2.6)
Click the Linker
Click the Advanced
property page.
Choose "No" under "Image Has Safe Exception Handlers".
More info: [1]
Fix Warning C4005: "'FACILITY_DIRECTMUSIC' : macro redefinition"
Open openttd
tree in Solution Explorer
, open External Dependencies
and select dmerror.h
Change this at the start of the file (usually near line 12):
#define FACILITY_DIRECTMUSIC 0x878 /* Shared with DirectSound */
#ifndef FACILITY_DIRECTMUSIC #define FACILITY_DIRECTMUSIC 0x878 /* Shared with DirectSound */ #endif