
The biggest drawback of this struct is that Industry is 48!! bits, this makes the total map into 160 bits which is just HUGE. Working on it to decrease its size.

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAPSIZEX 1024
#define MAPSIZEY 1024

typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned long uint32;

/* splitting original uint8 type:5 into type and amount will need a rewrite of the tile
   processing for ground structs. Either that, or we use the original layout:
   uint8 type:5;
   uint8 counter:2; */
typedef struct ground_t {
  uint8 type:4;     // bare band, grass, snow, desert, rocks, etc.
  uint8 amount:2;   // amount of snow, grass
  uint8 counter:2;  // update counter
} ground_t;         // 8 bits

typedef struct water_t {
  uint8 type:3;   // water/coast/canal
/* I think part:4 was here because of ship docks, but that is moved to
   depots_t now. So it is not needed. I can however see future in another
   struct like: uint8 special:2; which would put ice onto the graphic water
   etc. for higher situated water (eg. lakes)
  uint8 part:4;   // for the canal locks */
  /* 3/5 bits free */
} water_t;        // 8 bits

typedef struct bridge_t {
/* Tron suggested a uint8 index; that indexes into an array, which based
   on this index gets the right image needed. This would replace the, below,
   4 different packed variables and code with one and a static const array.
   road/rail-type is not needed, it is stored on the tile above */
  uint8 type:4;   // type of bridge, e.g. wooden, concrete, tubular
  uint8 dir:2;    // direction, we want to allow more than just two in the future
  uint8 section:1;// is it a middle part, or a "endcap"? endcaps will not be needed for cliffs maybe
  uint8 ending:1; // northern/southern end of bridge
} bridge_t;       // 8 bits

typedef struct support_t {
  // Blathijs needs to detail this
  uint8 type:4;   // different types of support, also depending on year
  /* 4 bits free */
} support_t;      // 8 bits

typedef struct industry_t {
  uint16 type;    // type of the industry (graphics)
  uint8 index;    // index into industries array
  uint8 sound:1;  // sound-effect generated
  uint8 built:1;  // under construction
  uint8 counter:3;// counstruction counter
  uint8 stage:2;  // stage of construction
  uint8 animation;// animation states of industry (6 bits, some toyland 8 bits)
  /* 9 bits free */
} industry_t;     // 48 bits

typedef struct station_t {
  uint16 index;       // index of the station
  uint16 part:12;     // type of station, increase from :7 to accomodate more graphics
  uint16 track_type:4;// rail, electric rail, monorail, trams, maglev ...
} station_t;          // 32 bits

typedef struct checkpoint_t {
  uint16 dir:1;         // direction
  uint16 type:1;        // road or rail if we want road checkpoints later on
  uint16 track_type:4;  // rail, electric rail, monorail, trams, maglev ...
  /* 10 bits free */
} checkpoint_t;         // 16 bits

typedef struct depot_t {
  uint8 dir:2;        // direction
  uint8 type:4;       // road, rail, water
  uint8 section:4;    // part of the depot (ship depots)
  uint8 track_type:4; // rail, electric rail, monorail, trams, maglev ...
  /* 2 bits free */
} depot_t;            // 16 bits

//This might end up in the support_t stuff one day
typedef struct tunnel_t {
  uint8 type:2;       // road or rail 
  uint8 dir:2;        // direction
  uint8 track_type:4; // well .. you got the point
} tunnel_t;           // 8 bits

typedef struct canal_t {
  uint8 dir:1;    // direction of locks
  uint8 type:3;   // canal or lock or water
  uint8 part:3;   // part of the lock
  uint8 status;   // REAL locks sometime, we need status of the doors/lift
  /* 1 bit free */
} canal_t;        // 16 bits

typedef struct signal_t {
  uint8 present:2;  // what signals are found (1 left, 1 right, 2, none)
  uint8 type:3;     // type of signals/presignals, maybe advanced later on
  uint8 semaphore:1;// semaphore
  uint8 status:2;   // status of the signal (red, green, orange?)
} signal_t;         // 8 bits

typedef struct track_t {
  uint16 tracks:13;     // which tracks are present   uint16 track_type:3;  // what type of track (should be 4?)  signal_t signal[2];   // signals on the tile (2x 8 bits)
} track_t;              // 32 bits

typedef struct tram_t { // empty currently
  uint8 nothing;
} tram_t;

typedef struct road_t {
  uint8 type:3;         // type of the road-underground grass, snow, paved, streetlight
  uint8 pieces;         // roads which are present on a tile
  /* 5 bits free */
} road_t;               // 16 bits

typedef struct roadnrail_t {
  //this is for diagonal roads, if we wanna have
  //road and rail side-by-side
  uint8 trackbits;      // 0 - horizontal, 1 - vertical
  uint8 roadpieces;     // roads present on a tile
  signal_t signal;      // only one signal can be here
  uint8 road_owner;     // owner of the road (track owner is in Tile)
} roadnrail_t;          // 32 bits

typedef struct crossing_t {
  uint8 road_owner;     // owner of the road (track owner is in Tile)
  uint8 dir:2;          // do we want to be more flexible in the future
  uint8 lights:1;       // crossing lights on/off
  uint8 type:3;         // type of crossing, grass, snow, paved, streetlights
  uint8 track_type:4;   // rail-types
  /* 6 bits free */
} crossing_t;           // 24 bits

typedef struct lift_t {
  uint8 pos:7;          // position of the lift
  uint8 moving:1;       // is it moving?
  uint8 dest:6;         // final positions of lift divided by 6
  /* 2 bits free */
} lift_t;               // 16 bits

typedef struct town_t {
  uint8 type;           // town building type
  uint8 stage:2;        // stage of construction
  uint8 counter:3;      // construction counter
  lift_t lift;          // lift
  /* 3 bits free */
} town_t;               // 32 bits

typedef struct trees_t {
  uint8 type;           // type of trees
  uint8 counter:4;      // update counter
  uint8 count:2;        // number of trees
  uint8 growth:3;       // growth status
  uint8 hedge_SW:3;     // hedges on SW border
  uint8 hedge_SE:3;     // hedges on SE border
  /* 1 bit free */
} trees_t;              // 24 bits

typedef struct fields_t {
  uint8 type:4;         // type of farm-fields  uint8 counter:2;      // update counter for fields  uint8 hedge_SW:3;     // hedges on SW border  uint8 hedge_SE:3;     // hedges on SE border
  /* 4 bits free */
} fields_t;             // 16 bits

typedef struct unmovable_t {
  uint8 type;           // unmoveables like transmitter, lighthouse, HQ
} unmovable_t;          // 8 bits

typedef struct Tile {
  struct Tile *next;          // 32/64 bits
  // 1. tileh
  // 2. altitude of a given corner
  // is more then enough to get any tile's information
  // Or we could also do:
  // 1. z (height) of a given corner
  // 2. bitpacked altitude of all 4 corners with only 1, 0 (0, same level, 1 higher)
  uint8 altitude_N; //NO_BP   //  8
  uint8 altitude_S; //NO_BP   //  8
  uint8 altitude_E; //NO_BP   //  8
  uint8 altitude_W; //NO_BP   //  8
  uint8 owner;                //  8
  uint8 groundtype:3;         // \___ 8
  uint8 buildtype:5;          // /
  union {
    ground_t ground;          //  8
    water_t water;            //  7 (+1  8)
    bridge_t bridge;          //  7 (+1  8)
    support_t support;        //  4 (+4  8)
  } surface;                  //  8
  union {
    industry_t industry;      // 39 (+9 48)
    station_t station;        // 30 (+2 32)
    checkpoint_t checkpoint;  //  6 (+2  8)
    depot_t depot;            //  6 (+2  8)
    tunnel_t tunnel;          //  7 (+1  8)
    canal_t canal;            // 13 (+3 16)
    track_t track;            // 32
    tram_t tram;              //  -
    road_t road;              // 10 (+6 16)
    crossing_t crossing;      // 12 (+4 16)
    town_t town;              // 27 (+5 32)
    trees_t trees;            // 17 (+7 24)
    fields_t fields;          // 16
    unmovable_t unmovable;    // 16
  } build;                    // 32
} Tile;


int main ( void ) {
 printf("Tile (total):  %d (Mapsize %dx%d %dKB)\n",sizeof(_map[0][0])*8, MAPSIZEX, MAPSIZEY, sizeof(_map)/1024);
 printf("|-- ground:\t %d\n",sizeof(_map[0][0].surface)*8);
 printf("|-- build:\t%d\n",sizeof(_map[0][0].build)*8);
 printf("Ground:\t\t %d\n",sizeof(ground_t)*8);
 printf("Water:\t\t %d\n",sizeof(water_t)*8);
 printf("Bridge:\t\t %d\n",sizeof(bridge_t)*8);
 printf("Support:\t %d\n",sizeof(support_t)*8);
 printf("Tunnel\t\t %d\n",sizeof(tunnel_t)*8);
 printf("Trams\t\t %d\n",sizeof(tram_t)*8);
 printf("Unmovable:\t %d\n",sizeof(unmovable_t)*8);
 return 0;