
Okay, I copied the map of Celestar, I thrust he did a good job on the struct, else we will slap him, I mean, no problem :)

What I changed is this:

We create a magic big pool of tiles, in this form:

#define POOL_SIZE 1024
Tile *_tile_pool;
// Reserve 2x POOL_SIZE
_tile_pool = realloc(_tile_pool, sizeof(void *) * 2);
_tile_pool[0] = realloc(_tile_pool[0], sizeof(Tile) * POOL_SIZE);
_tile_pool[1] = realloc(_tile_pool[1], sizeof(Tile) * POOL_SIZE);
_map[0][0].next = _tile_pool[0][0];

And the above in a nice function like: AllocTile or something, which returns the pointer which can be used, and blablabla. In _map[0][0].next there can be a next tile, that is in the same x/y, but on a different h. The highest h is always on top, and the lowest h, always on the bottom. This way, the memory usage is as low as it can get, TileLoop can easily be called (just looping through all the _tile_pool items), and we have a nice multi-level system.

Just my 2 pennies.

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAP_SIZE_X 1024
#define MAP_SIZE_Y 1024

typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned short uint16;
typedef unsigned long uint32;

typedef struct ground_t {
	uint8 type:4;	//Bare Land, grass, snow, desert, rocks and and
	uint8 amount:2;	//amount of snow 
	uint8 counter:2; //is this large enough? how often will it be incremented?
	//put the hedge somewhere else maybe?
} ground_t;

typedef struct water_t {
	//FIXME - compare to canal_t
	uint8 type:3;
	uint8 part:4;	//for the canal locks
} water_t;

typedef struct bridge_t {
	uint8 type:4;	//type of the bridge, e.g. wooden, concrete, tubular
	uint8 dir:2;	//direction, we want to allow more than just two in the future
	uint8 section:1;	//is it a middle part, or a "endcap"? endcaps will not be needed for cliffs maybe
} bridge_t;

typedef struct support_t {
	//Blathis needs to detail this
	uint8 type:4;		//different types of support, also depending on year
} support_t;

typedef struct industry_t {
	uint16 index;
	uint8 type;	//type of the industry
	uint8 built:1;
	uint8 stage:2;
	uint8 counter:3;
} industry_t;

typedef struct station_t {
	uint16 index;	//index of the station
	uint16 part:7;	//FIXME - dunno .. airport stuff maybe??
	uint16 type:4;	//FIXME - dunno this either, possibly type of vehicles served
	uint16 track_type:3;
} station_t;

typedef struct checkpoint_t {
	uint8 dir:1;	//direction
	uint8 type:1;	//road or rail if we want road checkpoints later on
	uint8 track_type:3;	//rail, electric rail, monorail, trams, maglev ...
} checkpoint_t;

typedef struct depot_t {
	uint8 dir:2;	//direction
	uint8 type:3;	//road, ship, (air), or rail?
	uint8 section:4;	//part of the depot
	uint8 track_type:3;	//rail, maglev ....
} depot_t;

typedef struct tunnel_t {	//This might end up in the support_t stuff one day
	uint8 type:2;	//road or rail 
	uint8 dir:2;	//direction
	uint8 track_type:3;	// well .. you got the point
} tunnel_t;

typedef struct canal_t {
	uint8 dir:1;
	uint8 type:1;	//canal or lock
	uint8 part:3;	//part of the lock
	uint8 status;	//if we want to have REAL locks sometime, we need 
			// astatus of the doors/lift
} canal_t;

typedef struct signal_t {
	uint8 present:2;	//what signals are found
	uint8 type:3;		//type of signals/presignals, maybe Advance later on
	uint8 semaphore:1;	//is it a semaphore?
	uint8 status:2;		//status of the signal
} signal_t;

typedef struct track_t {
	uint16 tracks:13;	//which tracks are present
	uint16 track_type:3;	//what type of track
	signal_t signal[2];	//signals on the tile
} track_t;

typedef struct tram_t {
	//void currently
} tram_t;

typedef struct road_t {
	uint8 type:2;	//type of the road (when is it used)?
	uint8 pieces;	//roads which are present in the tile
} road_t;

typedef struct roadnrail_t {
	//this is for diagonal roads, if we wanna have
	//road and rail side-by-side
	uint8 trackbits;	//0 - horizontal, 1 - vertical
	uint8 roadpieces;
	signal_t signal;	//only one signal can be here
	uint8 road_owner;
} roadnrail_t;

typedef struct crossing_t {
	uint8 road_owner;	
	uint8 dir:2;	//do we want to be more flexible in the future
	uint8 track_type:3; 
} crossing_t;

typedef struct lift_t {
	uint8 pos:7;	//position
	uint8 moving:1;	//is it moving?
	uint8 dest:6;	//where is it going to?
} lift_t;

typedef struct town_t {
	uint8 type;
	uint8 stage:2;
	uint8 counter:3;
	lift_t lift;
} town_t;
typedef struct trees_t {
	uint8 type;
	uint8 counter:4;
	uint8 count:2;
	uint8 growth:3;
} trees_t;

typedef struct fields_t {
	uint8 type;
	uint8 counter:5;
	uint8 state:3;		//do we need this stuff here 
	uint8 hedge_SW:3;
	uint8 hedge_SE:3;
	uint8 hedge_NE:3;
	uint8 hedge_NW:3;
} fields_t;

typedef struct unmovable_t {
	uint8 type;
	uint8 part;
} unmovable_t;

typedef struct {
	uint8 altitude_N;	//NO BITPACKING
	uint8 altitude_S;	//NO BITPACKING
	uint8 altitude_E;	//NO BITPACKING
	uint8 altitude_W;	//NO BITPACKING
	//uint8 slope;
	uint8 owner;
	uint8 groundtype:3;
	uint8 buildtype:5;
	Tile *next; // Pointer to the next Tile
	union {
		ground_t ground;
		water_t water;
		bridge_t bridge;
		support_t support;
	} base;
	union {
		industry_t industry;
		station_t station;
		checkpoint_t checkpoint;
		depot_t depot;
		tunnel_t tunnel;
		canal_t canal;
		track_t track;
		tram_t tram;
		roadnrail_t road_n_rail;
		road_t road;
		crossing_t crossing;
		town_t town;
		trees_t trees;
		fields_t fields;
		unmovable_t unmovable;
	} build;
} Tile;

// A nice map of x/y
Tile _map[MAP_SIZE_X][MAP_SIZE_Y];