GRF version 8 restricted all callbacks with boolean results to only return values 0 and 1, and no longer zero and non-zero. As a result of that, it is now possible to extent those callbacks with additional results for new features. This page collects some applications for that.
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Slopes and foundations
CB 30/14E/150: Decide drawing foundations
New results:
- 0: draw default foundation (leveled)
- 1: do not draw any foundation
xx02: draw a foundation which results in a specific slope, controlled via "xx".
The values/meaning of "xx" need to be decided:
- It could specify the resulting slope, so OpenTTD draws a foundation which transforms the present slope into the desired slope. (not all combinations are reasonable, e.g. to transform STEEP_W into STEEP_E)
- It could specify the foundation type to apply, which then results in a slope depending on the original slope. (not all combinations of original slope and foundation type are possible)
- It could specify a height difference for one or multiple corners (would allow raising terrain multiple levels; currently not present anywhere in the game, likely not worth pursuing)
- It could specify whether "high" foundations are allowd. (foundations across 2 height levels, i.e. steep slope into flat slope)
- Creating halftile foundations won't be possible, since they need two groundsprites (for lower and upper part) and there is no way to supply them.
The values/meaning of "xx" need to be decided:
TODO figure out the best result values
CB 3C/14F/15D: Disable autosloping
New results:
- 0: allow everything
- 1: disallow landscaping
xx02: allow autosloping, if it is possible to create slope xx using a (default) foundation.
- If CB 30/14E/150 return a "resulting slope", then this callback could use the same return values.
However, in addition to the "resulting slope" autoslope might also need an allowed height difference. In the easiest case autoslope would only be allowed if the resulting slope on a foundation would have the same height as the same slope with a foundation before landscaping.
- SLOPE_W at heightlevel 1 can be transformed into SLOPE_FLAT at heightlevel 2.
- Raising the N, E or S corners or even lowering the E corner would result in SLOPE_NW, SLOPE_EW, SLOPE_SW or SLOPE_STEEP_W, which can all still be transformed into SLOPE_FLAT at heightlevel 2.
- Loweing the W corner would result in SLOPE_FLAT at heightlevel 1.
TODO figure out the best result values
Slope information in industry layout
There is often the desire for a better way for construction of industries (but actually also for objects and airports at some point) on sloped terrain.
- OpenTTD shall be able to landscape the terrain to make it more likely for the industry to be created. (currently OpenTTD can only do that for flat industries)
- When the user manually constructs an object, it might be nice to adapt the tile highlighting so that slope requirements are easier to see.
The basic idea to archieve this is as follows:
- Assign a "tilegroup" or "no tilegroup" to all tiles in a object/industry layout.
- Within a tilegroup the slope and height of all tiles are tied to each other.
- Different tilegroups are not tied to each other, and may have any height different between them.
Each tilegroup has a reference height, the tiles in the group specify
- their desired slope,
- the relative height of the desired slope wrt. the reference height of the tilegroup, and
- whether the desired slope must match exactly, or may be archieved by using a foundation.
Example: Farm with two houses and some fenced grass-area around them.
- Tile group "none" for the fenced tiles: Fenced grass-area is allowed to have any slope at any height.
- Tile group 0: All tiles of house 1 must be flat and at the same height, no foundation allowed at entry side.
- Tile group 1: All tiles of house 2 must be flat and at the same height, no foundation allowed at entry side.
- This allows the industry to be placed on any terrain as long as the terrain on the houses can be leveled. The houses can be at different height.
Option 1: CB 2F/157: Slope check
- 0-3FF: text
- 400-408: default texts
- 409: allow building if slope matches slope requirements from reg 100
Register 100: ffggyyss
- ss: slope
- yy: minimum z of the slope relative to minimum z of tilegroup
- gg: tilegroup (FF = "no tilegroup")
- ff: foundation flags: allow (high) foundations in certain corners
Option 2: Property
Allow specifying tilegroups and slope requirements via a property.
- This would reduce the number of callbacks to be called.
- However, it would have to deal with industry layouts and object views in some way.
- If the property also affects industries after construction (e.g. drawing foundations, autoslope...) then it needs to be stored with the industry in the save. (to deal with GRF changes)
- If there is a property, it might also be used for irregular object layouts.
TODO figure out the best method
Industry / house acceptance, stockpiles
Cargo acceptance at stations/industries has currently various problems:
- Industries specify acceptance via both the industry and the industry tiles.
- The tiles are asked periodically whether they accept the cargo. This controls the station acceptance.
- The industry is asked on cargo delivery whether it wants to accept the cargo.
This results in these problems:
Tile and industry acceptance is decided asynchronously, so they may not match.
- Stations accept cargo, while there is no industry to accept it.
- Stations reject cargo, even if the industry would accept it.
- The industry can not control exactly the amount of cargo it wants to accept.
CB 3D: Industry acceptance
To solve the stockpiling problem CB 3D is extended.
New results:
- 0: reject cargo
- 1: accept cargo
- 2: accept cargo (partialy), limiting the stockpiling at a value given by reg 100
Note: CB 3D should also add a note to the industry GUI.
Deciding cargo acceptance at stations
To solve the acceptance inconsistencies, the algorithm within OpenTTD is modified. (No GRF (spec) changes required)
Stations shall destinguish two acceptance types:
- House-style acceptance: Any amount of cargo is accepted and delivered to the nearest town.
Industry-style acceptance: The cargo is added to the "waiting to be processed" cargo of a nearby industry.
- Note: Industries can also have house-style acceptance. E.g. various industries (esp. oilrigs) accept passengers, but do not process them into anything.
The station periodically checks surrounding tiles for acceptance:
- House tiles add to the house-style acceptance.
- Industry tiles add to the house-style acceptance, if the accepted cargo is not in the list of input cargos of the industry.
- Industry tiles add to the industry-style acceptance, if the accepted cargo is in the list of input cargos of the industry.
Stations accept a cargo if the acceptance level is more than 8/8 acceptance. The acceptance level is computed as the sum of:
- house-style acceptance (unconditionally)
- industry-style acceptance, if the particular industry currently accepts the cargo.
Implementation details:
- Station caches a list of acceptance amounts for house-style acceptance. (somewhat already present)
- Station caches a list of nearby industries (already present).
- For each nearby industry it caches the industry-style acceptance within the catchment area of the station.
- When deciding acceptance, it starts with the house-style acceptance, and then iterates over the nearby industries, and adds their cached industry-style acceptance, if CB 3D says so.
CB 1F/2B, 2A/2C: Tile acceptance
The results of callbacks 2A/2C have only 5 bit per cargotype, so only the first 32 entries of the cargo translation table can be returned.
New results for CB 1F/2B:
- 0000 - 1FFF: Old acceptance result
7Fxx: Extended cargo acceptance:
- Do not call CB 2A/2C
- Accept xx cargos as specified in regs 100 to 100+xx
Registers 100 to 100+xx contain cargotype/acceptance pairs:
- Bit 0..3: Acceptance level 0/8 - 8/8
- Bit 4..7: Reserved, must be zero
- Bit 8..16: Cargotype
- Bit 16..31: Reserved, must be zero
TODO is there a more clever usage of regs 100... for this?
CB 37: Industry window acceptance/cargo text (implemented in r27752)
Industries with production callbacks display cargo amounts "to be processed" in the industry window. This text appears weird
- if the industry has no stockpiling, but processed cargos immediately.
- if the cargo is not exactly "processed", but is rather and auxiliary cargo or production booster.
New results for CB 37:
- 0000 - 03FF: Display cargo amount and sub-type using string D000 - D3FF with textref stack from regs 100..105
- 0400 : Display cargo amount without sub-type
- 0401 : Display no cargo amount, only that the cargo is accepted.
- 0800 - 0BFF: Display no cargo amount, but display string D000 - D3FF instead. You can still put the cargo amount or whatever into the string using the textref stack from regs 100..105
CB 3B: Control special industry effect
This allows industries to plant/remove objects around the industry. This can be used for farms or mines to plant/remove fields, mining excavations, ... Note that objects are not neccessarily user-buildable, so there can be specific objects only used by industries which do not appear in the build object window for the user.
New results for effect 0:
- 0: do nothing
- 1: plant default field
- 2: build newobject with ID from reg 100 from grf with ID from reg 101, and associate it to the industry (that is, it gets removed when the industry closes)
- 3: build newobject with ID from reg 100 from grf with ID from reg 101; do not associate it to the industry
Note: reg 100 contains both a grf local object id, and the view, or a special value for 'random view'
New results for effect 1:
- 0: do nothing
- 1: cut a tree, and produce some cargo on success
- 2: remove newobject with ID from reg 100 from grf with ID from reg 101, which is associated to the industry
- 3: remove newobject with ID from reg 100 from grf with ID from reg 101, which is not company owned
- 4: remove newobject with ID from reg 100 from grf with ID from reg 101, even if it is company owned
Note: reg 100 contains a grf local object id and a view, or a special value for 'any view'
TODO: Some way to enable/disable cargo production on successful planting/removal. E.g. a flag to call the production callback immediately after successful/failed planting/cutting (with special value in var 10/18 to distinguish it) This should also disable the default tree->wood production implication.
TODO: Some variables to check presence of objects nearby.
TODO: Some way to influence the position of the object. Either random position, or specific positition relative to industry (e.g. to add additional production buildings or similar)