OpenGFX Léame
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OpenGFX Léame
Proyecto de reemplazo de gráficos de 8 bits
OpenGFX Screenshot

OpenGFX Léame

Debates sobre desarrollo en los Foros TT
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Descargas en la DevZone
Página del proyecto en la DevZone

OpenGFX es un conjunto básico de gráficos para OpenTTD y es el resultado del reemplazo de gráficos de 8 bits.


Versión actual (29 de abril de 2010): OpenGFX 0.2.4 (Este es un resumen del "Léame" [Readme.txt] oficial de la zona de desarrollo DevZone:

Acerca de OpenGFX

OpenGFX es un conjunto de gráficos básico en código abierto para OpenTTD que puede sustituir totalmente el conjunto gráfico básico de TTD. El objetivo principal de OpenGFX es, por lo tanto, proporcionar un conjunto de gráficos libre que permita jugar con OpenTTD sin necesidad de los archivos (con derechos de autor) del CD del TTD. Esto aumenta potencialmente la base de seguidores de OpenTTD y le hace un juego verdaderamente libre: "libre" también en el sentido de "gratis" (distíngase "software gratuito" y libre "software libre", que en inglés son muy parecidos versus Libre "freeware" y "free software" ya que "free" tiene los dos significados) y como de expresión "libertad de expresión".

Desde la versión 0.2.0 OpenGFX tiene un conjunto completo de sprites. Las versiones futuras tendrán por objeto mejorar los gráficos.

Descargar OpenGFX

OpenGFX está disponible en unos cuantos sitios. Este archivo Léame sólo informará de las ubicaciones de descarga oficiales.

No podemos dar soporte de lugares de descarga de terceras partes, y no podemos devolverle su dinero si usted ha pagado por OpenGFX.

Si desea comprobar la integridad de su grf o comprobar si su grf auto-compilado es el que debería ser, eche un vistazo a opengfx.obg

Instalar OpenGFX manualmente

  1. Primero, asegúrese de que ha descargado e instalado por lo menos OpenTTD versión 0.7.0 o posterior.
  2. A continuación, descargue el último paquete de OpenGFX. Hay unas pocas fuentes:
  3. Descomprima el archivo zip/tar en el directorio /data de OpenTTD (véase la sección 4.2 del archivo [Léame.txt/Es|Léame] de OpenTTD para un estudio detallado sobre todos los directorios de datos que OpenTTD reconoce)
   Windows: C:\My Documents (95, 98, ME)
            C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\OpenTTD (2000, XP)
            C:\Users\<username>\Documents\OpenTTD (Vista, 7)
   Mac OSX: ~/Documents/OpenTTD
   Linux:   ~/.openttd

4. Run OpenTTD. Chances are that you'll miss a sound set. Get one (we recommend our sister project OpenSFX) and install it into the same directory as OpenGFX.

5. In the main menu of the game, click the Game Options button. The Game Options dialog will appear.

6. Select OpenGFX from the drop-down list below Base graphics set if that's not selected already (bottom left of window). Close the window using the × in the upper left corner. - If you did not install the original TTD base graphics during the installation of OpenTTD, you can skip this step. - If you installed the original TTD base graphics as well, this is where you can switch base graphic sets.

Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Anyways, if you're having trouble getting OpenGFX to work, please file a detailed report on what you did, what error messages you got and where you got stuck in the OpenGFX release topic at TT-forums: or (preferrably) at our bug tracker at

Installing or Updating OpenGFX using the Online Content service

This method uses the Online content service (BaNaNaS) to download OpenGFX. In order to use this, you need a working OpenTTD and again at least OpenTTD version 0.7.0 or a recent nightly.

1. Start OpenTTD and on the main menu click the Check online content button. A new window will pop up. If OpenTTD doesn't start, follow the manual installation procedure.

2. Find the OpenGFX entry from the list at the left. You can use the search box in the upper right corner of the window.

3. Click the little square in front of the OpenGFX entry in order to mark it for download.

4. Click the Download button in the bottom right corner. After download, close the open windows.

5. In the main menu of the game, click the Game Options button. The Game Options dialog will appear.

6. Select OpenGFX from the drop-down list below Base graphics set if that's not selected already (bottom left of window). Close the window using the × in the upper left corner.

Contributing and reporting bugs

If you spot any grapical bugs or glitches in the available graphics, please let us know preferrably via our bug tracker or via the OpenGFX release topic at . Please make sure that you're using the latest available version before reporting a bug. You can check the Issue Tracker to see if the bug you've found is already reported (or fixed!).

If you have made yourself improvements to either graphics or the source code itself, please also share that with us either via the bug tracker or the development discussion thread

Building OpenGFX

The OpenGFX source is available in a Mercurial repository or as gzip'ed tarball. You can do an anonymous checkout from , e.g. using

  hg clone

or obtain the tarball from

Prerequisites to building OpenGFX:

and you might additionally want a text editor of your choice and a graphics programme suitable to handle palettes.

On Windows: we advise to get a mingw development environment, download grfcodec, nforenum and mercurial from the sources mentioned above) For more detailed instructions see our guide at and the very extensive and detailed installation instructions on the mingw wiki at

On Linux: your system should already have most tools, you'll probably only need nforenum, grfcodec and mercurial available from the source mentioned above. For installation instructions concerning mercurial refer to the manual of your distribution.

On Mac: Install the developers tools and get grfcodec and nforenum from the source mentioned above. Mercurial is easiest installed via macports: sudo port install mercurial

The use of mercurial is strongly encouraged as only that allows to keep track of changes.

Once all tools are installed, get a checkout of the repository and you can build OpenGFX using make. The following targets are available:

Given the usual case that you modify something within OpenGFX and want to test that, a simple 'make install' should suffice and you can immediately test the changes ingame, if you selected the nightly version of OpenGFX. Given default paths, a 'make install' will overwrite a previous nightly version of OpenGFX. Mind to re-start OpenTTD as it needs to re-read the grf files.

Notes for package maintainers:


OpenGFX Graphics Replacement Set for OpenTTD Copyright (C) 2007-2009 OpenGFX Authors (see below)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


OpenGFX is created by the following people (in reverse alphabetical order):

A detailed list of who worked on what is available in the file docs/authoroverview.csv in the source repository.

Thanks go out to the guys at #openttdcoop for providing the source repository and bug tracking services.

See also