Alias de consola
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Alias Commands

Aliases are handy shortcuts for one or more command. You can define aliases ingame or in one of the scripts files. Simply add an alias by typing "alias <whateveryouwant>". If the alias needs spaces, remember to enclose it in double-quotes. If your alias needs double-quotes, use single quotes as subsitution. Like this: alias echo " 'hallo b' %A". Aliases can use the arguments typed in after them.

There are a few predefined aliases ingame


same as reset_company


same as company_pw


same as ls


same as connect

new_game, new_map and newmap

same as newgame


same as rcon_pw

server_bind, server_bind_ip and server_ip_bind

same as server_ip


same as server_pw

Debug aliases [not available in release]


echo %A; echo %B (shows concatenation of commands)


echo %!