Command line

The command line is the operating system command used to launch the game. This can include parameters to adjust how the game runs. All versions of OpenTTD support command line options.


Command prompt options

Use openttd [parameter(s)].

Parameter Description
-h Lists OpenTTD command options.
-v <driver> Sets OpenTTD video driver. Depending on your build, valid drivers may include:
null for no video (crash)
sdl for SDL video
win32 for Windows video
-s <driver> Sets OpenTTD sound driver. Depending on your build, valid drivers may include
null for no sound
sdl for SDL sound
win32 for Windows sound
-m <driver> Sets OpenTTD music driver. Depending on your build, valid drivers may include
null for no music
dmusic for DirectMusic
win32 for Windows MIDI
extmidi for external MIDI
bemidi for BeOS MIDI
-I <set> Sets which base graphics set to use.
-S <set> Sets which sound effects set to use.
-M <set> Sets which music set to use.
-r <xres>x<yres> Sets OpenTTD resolution.
-t <year> Sets the starting date.
-d <level>
-d ai=<level>
-d driver=<level>
-d grf=<level>
-d misc=<level>
-d net=<level>
-d spritecache=<level>
Sets debug level. Use any number between 0 and 9, where 9 is most sensitive.
for AI debuging info only
for driver debugging info (sound, music, graphics)
for newgrf debugging info only
for miscellaneous debugging info
for network debugging info only
for spritecache debugging info only
-l <ip:port> Redirect debugging output to a network connection instead of the console.
-e Starts the scenario editor.
-q <game> Show some information about a save game (OpenTTD version, NewGRFs in use, if the game's ever been used by a modded copy of OpenTTD or had a NewGRF removed) and quit.
-g [game] If no game is specified, starts a new game immediately. If a game is specified, loads that game immediately. Note: -g can load both savegames and scenarios.
-G <seed> Sets the random seed.
-n [ip:port#company] Start network game.
-p <password> When joining the game, use this password to connect to the server.
-P <password> When joining the game, use this password to join the company.
-D [ip:port] Start dedicated server.
-f Fork into the background (dedicated, non-Windows only).
-c <file> Use a different config file instead of openttd.cfg.
-x Don't save changes to the config file when OpenTTD exits.

Help for Windows users

There are two ways to add command line parameters:

The shortcut method

The command-line ("DOS") method