


Ta strona jest w dużej mierze kopią pliku housedata.html, z

Ta lista zawiera wszystkie właściwości domyślnych typów domów TTD, pozwalając dowiedzieć się, co zostanie skopiowane do Twojego nowego identyfikatora domu, gdy ustawisz jego właściwość 8, a także może służyć jako odniesienie przy podejmowaniu decyzji, jakie właściwości powinien mieć Twój nowy dom. Nazwy domów pochodzą z pliku Marcina Grzegorczyka "Transport Tycoon Deluxe savegame internals" , który ma więcej opisowych nazw niż oryginalne TTD. Niestety, nawet te nazwy nie są unikalne. Kolumna "Flags" zawiera listę elementów, które zostaną ustawione na własność nowego budynku 9 (dlatego nie ustawiono flag kościoła i stadionu). Negatywna akceptacja towarów oznacza, że ​​budynek przyjmuje food/candy (jedzenie/słodycze) zamiast goods/fizzy drinks (towarów/napojów gazowanych) . "None" w maks. kolumna roku oznacza, że ​​typ budynku nigdy nie staje się przestarzały. Reszta kolumn jest dość oczywista.

Default properties

ID Nazwa Klimaty Town zones Flags Min. rok budowy Max. rok budowy Populacja Generowanie poczty Akceptacja pasażerów (w 1/8 jednostek) Przyjmowanie poczty (w 1/8 jednostek) Przyjmowanie towarów/żywności (w 1/8 jednostek) Usuń obniżenie 'rating'ów' Usuń 'mnożnik' kosztu
00h tall office block temperate 4 01h 1963 none 187 70 8 3 4 140 150
01h office block temperate 3, 4 01h 1957 none 85 55 8 3 4 130 140
02h small block of flats temperate 1, 2, 3 01h 1968 none 40 20 8 3 1 90 100
03h church temperate 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 5 2 2 0 0 230 90
04h large office block temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical 4 21h 1975 none 220 85 10 4 6 160 160
05h large office block snow 4 21h 1975 none 220 85 10 4 6 160 160
06h town houses temperate 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 30 12 4 1 0 80 80
07h hotel (N part) temperate 2, 4 08h 1959 none 140 22 6 1 2 150 180
08h hotel (E part)

00h 1959 none 0 22 6 1 2 150 180
09h statue temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical 3, 4 01h 1945 none 0 0 2 0 0 40 65
0Ah fountain temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical 4 01h 1945 none 0 0 2 0 0 40 65
0Bh park (with a pond) temperate 2 01h 1930 none 0 0 2 0 0 75 60
0Ch park (with an alley) temperate 3 01h 1935 none 0 0 2 0 0 75 60
0Dh office block temperate 3, 4 01h 1951 none 150 65 8 2 4 110 130
0Eh shops and offices 1 temperate 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 1960 95 48 6 2 3 100 110
0Fh shops and offices 2 temperate 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 1960 95 48 6 2 3 100 105
10h shops and offices 3 temperate 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 1960 95 48 6 2 3 100 107
11h modern office building temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical 4 01h 1977 none 130 50 10 3 6 150 200
12h warehouse temperate 4 01h 1983 none 6 10 6 3 8 110 145
13h office block (with spiral stairway) temperate 4 01h 1985 none 110 55 6 2 6 110 155
14h stadium (N part) temperate 0, 1, 2, 3 10h 1930 none 65 5 4 0 0 300 250
15h stadium (E part)

00h 1930 none 0 5 4 0 0 300 250
16h stadium (W part)

00h 1930 none 0 5 4 0 0 300 250
17h stadium (S part)

00h 1930 none 0 5 4 0 0 300 250
18h old houses temperate 0, 1 01h 1930 1951 15 6 3 1 0 75 70
19h cottages temperate 0 01h 1930 1952 12 7 3 1 0 75   75
1Ah houses temperate 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1931 none 13 8 3 1 0 75 71
1Bh   flats temperate 2, 3, 4 01h 1935 none 100 35 7   2 2 100 135
1Ch tall office block temperate 2, 3, 4 01h 1963 none 170 50 8 3 3 170 145
1Dh shops and offices temperate 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 1955 100 40 6 2 3 135 132
1Eh shops and offices temperate, subtropical 2, 4 01h 1973 none 180 64 8   3 3 180 155
1Fh theatre temperate 3, 4 01h 1930 none 35 23 8 2 2 230 220
20h stadium (modern style, N part) temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical 0, 1, 2, 3 10h 1958 none 65 5 4 0 0 300 250
21h stadium (modern style, E part)

00h 1958 none 0 5 4 0 0 300 250
22h stadium (modern style, W part)

00h 1958 none 0 5 4 0 0 300 250
23h stadium (modern style, S part)

00h 1958 none 0 5 4 0 0 300 250
24h offices ('vertical tube' style) temperate, sub-arctic, subtropical 3, 4 01h 2000 none 140 65 8 3 2 250 170
25h houses sub-arctic 0, 1 01h 1930 1960 15 6 3 1 -1 75 70
26h houses snow 0, 1 01h 1930 1960 15 6 3 1 -1 75 70
27h cinema temperate 2, 3, 4 01h 1945 none 35 23 8 2 2 230 210
28h shopping mall (N part) temperate 1, 2, 3, 4 10h 1983 none 180 5 8 2 3 300 250
29h   shopping mall (E part)

00h 1983 none 0 5 8 2 3 300 250
2Ah shopping mall (W part)

00h 1983 none 0 5 8 2 3 300 250
2Bh shopping mall (S part)

00h 1983 none 0 5 8 2 3 300 250
2Ch flats sub-arctic 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 80 20 5 2 -2 90 100
2Dh flats snow 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 80 20 5 2 -2 90 100
2Eh houses sub-arctic 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 16 6 3 1 -2 70 70
2Fh houses snow 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 16 6 3 1 -2 70 70
30h houses sub-arctic 0, 1, 2 01h 1930 1963 14 6 3 1 -2 70 80
31h houses snow 0, 1, 2 01h 1930 1963 14 6 3 1 -2 70 80
32h tall office block sub-arctic, subtropical 3, 4 01h 1966 none 135 60 8 3 4 120 150
33h tall office block snow 3, 4 01h 1966 none 135 60 8 3 4 120 150
34h tall office block sub-arctic 3, 4 01h 1970 none 170 70 9 3 4 130 170
35h tall office block snow 3, 4 01h 1970 none 170 70 9 3 4 130 170
36h tall office block sub-arctic, subtropical 3, 4 01h 1974 none 210 80 10 3 5 140 200
37h tall office block snow 3, 4 01h 1974 none 210 80 10 3 5 140 200
38h houses sub-arctic 0 01h 1930 none 10 5 2 1 -1 60 60
39h houses snow 0 01h 1930 none 10 5 2 1 -1 60 60
3Ah shops and offices sub-arctic 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 25 20 3 1 -1 80 100
3Bh shops and offices snow 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 25 20 3 1 -1 80 100
3Ch church sub-arctic 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 6 2 2 0 0 230 85
3Dh   church snow 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 6 2 2 0 0 230 85
3Eh houses sub-arctic 0, 1, 2 01h 1930 none 17 7 3 1 -1 80 80
3Fh houses snow 0, 1, 2 01h 1930 none 17 7 3 1 -1 80 80
40h shops and offices sub-arctic 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 1960 90 45 6 2 3 110 140
41h shops and offices snow 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 1960 90 45 6 2 3 110 140
42h hotel (N part) sub-arctic 2, 3, 4 08h 1972 none 140 25 6 1 -3 160 160
43h hotel (E part)

00h 1972 none 0 25 6 1 2 160 160
44h hotel (N part) snow 2, 3, 4 08h 1972 none 140 25 6 1 -3 160 160
45h hotel (E part)

00h 1972 none 0 25 6 1 2 160 160
46h shops and offices sub-arctic, subtropical 2, 3, 4 01h 1963 none 105 50 7 2 3 105 130
47h shops and offices snow 2, 3, 4 01h 1963 none 105 50 7 2 3 105 130
48h tall office block sub-arctic 3, 4 01h 1978 none 190 75 9 3 4 135 190
49h tall office block snow 3, 4 01h 1978 none 190 75 9 3 4 135 190
4Ah tall office block (N part) sub-arctic 2, 3, 4 04h 1967 none 250 60 7 2 2 200 140
4Bh tall office block (W part)

00h 1967 none 0 60 7 2 2 200 140
4Ch tall office block (N part) snow 2, 3, 4 04h 1967 none 250 60 7 2 2 200 140
4Dh tall office block (W part)

00h 1967 none 0 60 7 2 2 200 140
4Eh houses (with a tree in a corner) subtropical 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 16 6 3 1 -2 80 80
4Fh houses subtropical 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 16 6 3 1 -2 80 80
50h houses subtropical 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 16 5 3 1 -2 80 80
51h houses (suburb-type) subtropical 0 01h 1930 none 7 4 3 1 -1 30 30
52h flats subtropical 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 45 15 6 2 1 95 130
53h church subtropical 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 8 3 2 0 0 200 90
54h houses (with two trees in front) subtropical 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 18 7 3 1 -2 80 80
55h flats subtropical 2, 3, 4 01h 1973 none 90 24 6 2 1 95 110
56h flats subtropical 2, 3, 4 01h 1962 none 120 25 6 2 1 95 120
57h tall office block (N part) subtropical 3, 4 04h 1984 none 250 80 8 3 4 140 190
58h tall office block (W part) subtropical

00h 1984 none 0 80 8 3 4 140 190
59h flats subtropical 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 80 23 6 2 1 95 110
5Ah tall office block subtropical 3, 4 01h 1993 none 180 90 8 3 4 150 180
5Bh church toyland 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 8 3 2 0 0 200 90
5Ch toyland houses toyland 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 18 5 6 2 2 90 90
5Dh toyland houses toyland 0, 1 01h 1930 none 7 3 3 1 1 50 70
5Eh toyland houses toyland 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 15 6 3 1 2 75 80
5Fh toyland houses toyland 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 17 6 3 1 2 75 80
60h toyland houses toyland 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 19 6 3 1 2 75 80
61h toyland houses toyland 0, 1, 2, 3 01h 1930 none 21 6 3 1 2 75 80
62h tall office block toyland 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 75 20 8 4 2 130 160
63h shoe house (N part) toyland 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 08h 1930 none 35 9 4 1 2 80 90
64h shoe house (E part)

00h 1930 none 0 0 4 1 2 80 90
65h tall office block toyland 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 85 18 8 4 2 130 150
66h igloo toyland 0 01h 1930 none 11 3 3 1 1 45   60
67h tepees toyland 0 01h 1930 none 10 3 3 1 1 45 60
68h shops and offices toyland 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 67 22 8 4 -4 130 140
69h shops and offices toyland 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 86 23 8 4 -4 130 145
6Ah tall office block toyland 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 95 28 8 4 2 130 165
6Bh statue toyland 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 30 10 4 1 2 70 90
6Ch teapot-house toyland 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 25 8 3 1 2 65 75
6Dh piggy-bank toyland 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 01h 1930 none 18 7 3 2 -4 95 85