OpenSFX 是一套免费/自由的 OpenTTD 基本音效,因此无需使用 TTD CD 中的文件(受版权保护)即可播放 OpenTTD。这有可能增加 OpenTTD 的粉丝数量。
OpenSFX 即是'免费'的也是'自由'的。目前,OpenSFX 声音采用 CC Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported 许可。
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下载 OpenSFX
OpenSFX 至少有三个下载地址。本自述仅涵盖官方下载地址。我们不支持第三方下载地址,如果您已为 OpenSFX 支付了费用,我们也无法退款。
- 如果您是 OpenTTD 的新用户,且无法访问原始 TTD 文件,则必须手动下载并安装 OpenSFX。这听起来并不难,所以不用太担心。
如果您已经使用原版 TTD 基本音效启动并运行 OpenTTD,那么游戏内在线内容服务是获取 OpenSFX 的简便方法。
- 下载位置: 使用 Online content (en) 服务;
- Installation instructions: Installing OpenSFX using the Online Content service.
Installing OpenSFX Manually
1. First, make sure that you've downloaded and installed at least OpenTTD version 0.8.0 or a recent Nightly build (en).
2. Next, download the latest OpenSFX package. (latest version)
3. Unpack the zip into the OpenTTD /data directory. There's no need to unpack the (file format) tar file, so just leave it as it is. Your OpenTTD /data directory is either located in:
An OpenTTD folder in your user account's home directory:
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\OpenTTD
- Windows Vista: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\OpenTTD\data
- Mac OSX: ~/Documents/OpenTTD
- Linux: ~/.openttd
- The OpenTTD installation directory.
4. Run OpenTTD.
5. In the main menu of the game, click the Game Options button. The Game Options dialog will appear.
6. Select OpenSFX from the drop-down list below Base sound set if that's not selected already (bottom left of window). Close the window using the × in the upper left corner.
Now that wasn't so hard, was it? Anyways, if you're having trouble getting OpenSFX to work, please file a detailed report on what you did, what error messages you got and where you got stuck in the OpenSFX release topic at TT-forums: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=44761&hilit=opensfx
Installing or Updating OpenSFX using the Online Content service
This method uses the Online content (en) service (BaNaNaS) to download OpenSFX. In order to use this, you need a working OpenTTD and again at least OpenTTD version 0.8.0 or a recent Nightly build (en).
1. Start OpenTTD and on the main menu click the Check online content button. A new window will pop up.
- If OpenTTD doesn't start, follow the manual installation procedure.
2. Find the OpenSFX entry from the list at the left. You can use the search box in the upper right corner of the window.
3. Click the little square in front of the OpenSFX entry in order to mark it for download.
4. Click the Download button in the bottom right corner. After download, close the open windows.
5. In the main menu of the game, click the Game Options button. The Game Options dialog will appear.
6. Select OpenSFX from the drop-down list below Base Sounds set if that's not selected already (bottom left of window). Close the window using the × in the upper left corner.
- This is where you can switch base sound sets.
Technical and licensing details
Sounds should be uploaded as 44,100Hz, 16-bit mono WAV or FLAC files. There will be a new sound file format developed for OpenTTD, likely using .tar files in a manner similar to that of the new sounds. Until then, tools will be made available to enable work to go on using the existing sample.cat format.
For ensuring that resulting sample.cat (or tar) file may be distributed freely with OpenTTD code, all sound files must have some kind of free culture license. Appropriate are the CC0, CC BY, and CC BY-SA licenses. Public domain is also acceptable.
If sourcing sound effects from free libraries online, please ensure they are in the Public Domain or under a free culture license.
See also
- SoundIDs (en): List of sound IDs, useful if you want to make your own sound pack