This is a categorised list of all Industries in OpenTTD. Industries are subcategorised by Climate and by position in the industry chain, and a complete listing is also available at the bottom of this category.
- Primary Industries
- Przedsiębiorstwa (pl)
- Secondary Industries
- Sub-Arctic Industries
- Sub-Tropical Industries
- Temperate Industries
- Tertiary Industries
- Toyland Industries
- Banco (pt)
- Bank
- Battery Farm
- Bubble Generator
- Candyfloss Forest
- Coal Mine
- Cola Wells
- Copper Ore Mine
- Diamond Mine
- Endüstriler (tr)
- Factory
- Farm
- Fizzy Drink Factory
- Food Processing Plant
- Forest
- Fruit Plantation
- Gold Mine
- Hiilikaivos (fi)
- Industries
- Iron Ore Mine
- Kopalnia cukru (pl)
- Lumber Mill
- Nahrungsmittelfabrik (de)
- Oil Refinery
- Oil Rig
- Oil Wells
- Paper Mill
- Plastic Fountains
- Power Station
- Printing Works
- Průmysl (cs)
- Rubber Plantation
- Sawmill
- Steel Mill
- Sugar Mine
- Sweet Factory
- Toffee Quarry
- Toy Factory
- Toy Shop
- Water Supply
- Water Tower
- 産業 (ja)