AI Programming
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- Using the road pathfinder
- Using the rail pathfinder
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- Squirrel
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- ShortNames in use
All articles in NoAI categoryBelow are lists of AI and Game Script (GS) Short Names (listed in Short Name alphabetical order). A short name is a 4-letter case-sensitive string used to identify your AI or Game Script. It is required to create a unique short name, as Content Service doesn't allow duplicates. Feel free to edit this page if you would like to add a new short name.
AI shortnames and GS shortnames are unrelated. As such, a particular AI shortname can also exist as GS shortname.
AI Shortnames
AI ShortName | AI Full Name | Author(s) |
}}mW | WmDOT | MinchinWeb |
A_AI | AroAI | Lord Aro |
ADML | AdmiralAI | Yexo |
AIAI | AIAI | Kogut |
AIVT | krinn | |
B_AI | Bilbo | |
BACN | Bacon AI | Matt40k |
BCAB | NoCAB - Bleeding Edge Edition | Bram Ridder |
BORK | BorkAI | marco.r |
CIVL | CivilAI | David Dallaston |
CLAI | CityLifeAI | Firrel |
CLUP | Clueless Plus | Zuu |
CLUS | Clueless Plus (dev edition) | Zuu |
CHIO | Grinchios | Callum |
CHOO | ChooChoo | Michiel |
CHOP | Chopper | marbs |
CHRK | Chruker | |
CNVY | Convoy | GeekToo |
COVD | CoronaAI | Libor Vilimek |
CPU1 | CPU | Maurits Van Riezen |
DUST | Denver & Rio Grande | Dustin |
DCTR | DictatorAI | krinn |
DuAI | DumbAI | DrReVaN |
EMTI | EmotionAI | Michal Zopp |
EPIC | EpicTrans | Tovermodus |
FELI | FelicitusAI | Felicitus |
FNAI | fanioz | |
FPTP | FastPTPAI | 11Runner |
FTAI | Fanioz Trans AI | fanioz |
GELI | gelignAIte | Marcel Glacki |
HEFE | HeliFerry | mmuszkow |
HOGE | AAAHogEx | Rei Ishibashi |
Idle | Idle | Constantin Baranov |
idmo | IdleMore | Zuu |
IdMM | IdleMoreMore | James M. |
JAMI | Xander | |
KRAI | KrakenAI | Mateusz |
LDAF | LuDiAI AfterFix | lukin_, Samu |
LDAI | LuDiAI | lukin_ |
LMmW | MinchinWeb's MetaLibrary | MinchinWeb |
MailAI | Hephi | |
MDVL | Sir Bob | |
MOGU | MogulAI | Dezmond_snz |
MpAI | MpAI | WK |
MUNG | Mungo | Grinchios |
NCAB | NoCAB | Morloth |
NONO | NoNoCAB | Jacob Boerema, Bram Ridder |
NPAI | NotPerfectAI | hakerg |
OrdA | Orders Assistant AI | James A. |
OTVI | OtviAI | ManInTheBox |
PAXL | PAXLink | Zuu |
PAXS | Zuu | |
PZLA | PathZilla | Zutty |
RAAI | Rythorn Airline AI | Sevestra Rythorn |
RDAI | RoadAI | 11Runner |
REGR | Regression AI | OpenTTD |
ROND | Rondje om de Kerk | ManInTheBox |
RRAI | Random Roadbuilder aka Aiai_Caramba | ChillCore |
RRCC | CityConnecter | Aun Johnsen |
RRUN | RoadRunner | Steffl |
Rwai | RailwAI | RailwAI |
SCAR | Darker | |
SCPL | Script Communication Protocol | Krinn & Zuu |
SEKO | SekoAI | seko |
SHIP | ShipAI | mmuszkow |
SIGN | SignIndustries | PeiXiaoHan |
SMPL | SimpleAI | Brumi |
Snek | SnakeAI | mousetail |
SNTS | SynTrans | 11Runner |
SPRG | zupa | |
SPRL | SuperLib | Zuu |
SSAI | SuperSimpleAI | Brumi - Sabater |
STAI | SmallTownAI | Ethaninfinity |
STTR | StreetTraffic | Zuu & fjuedes |
STV2 | StreetTraffic v2 | Spedichef |
TCAR | TownCars | Zuu |
TERR | Terron | svetovoi |
TESH | TeshiNet | Teshiron |
TEST | Multipurpose test AI | Kogut |
TTAI | TutorialAI | Zuu |
TRAC | TracAI | dadloo |
TRAI | trAIns | lhrios |
trAI | rocketAI | Team Rocket |
TREE | TREE | Zooks |
TRAM | TramAI | mmuszkow |
TSHP | Tutorial Ship AI | Zuu |
TTAI | TutorialAI | Zuu |
WOLF | Roujin | |
WORM | WormAI | Wormnest |
WRAI | OpenTTD |
Game Script Shortnames
GS ShortName | GS Full Name | Author(s) |
~}mW | WmDot for NoGo | MinchinWeb |
AGOS | Global Objective System | Arastais |
ATLV | AutoLivery | Pikka |
AUPA | Auto Pause | David Dallaston |
AWDS | Awards | Krinn |
BBEE | Busy Bee | alberth & andythenorth |
BCGR | Balanced City Growth | Kormer |
BREW | Bee Reward | alberth, andythenorth, jottyfan |
CAGO | NoCarGoal | Zuu |
CAGP | NoCarGoal Pikka Remix | Zuu & Pikka |
CASH | CashDrainGS | Zuu |
CBGS | CityBuilder | Aphid |
CDVC | TransportGoals | Zuu |
CFGS | City Founder GS | Agentw4b_CZ |
CTCT | City Controller | hpfx |
CVGS | Company Value GS | Samu |
DUUD | TeamDuude | same-f |
DVRC | Deliverance | Pikka |
ENPT | Peaks and Troughs | Erato |
FEGG | Feca Goal Games | idioty |
gls0 | Local Authorities | DonaldDuck313 |
GSRM | Goal and Story Page Remover | James |
GSTH | GSToyHelper | Krinn |
IDLI | Limitations | idioty |
ISGS | IndustryStabilizer | Aphid |
jfs0 | Eternal Love | nielsm |
M7NW | New World Disorder | Milek7 & LaChupacabra |
MAGI | MagicGS | Sylvain Devidal |
MIGR | Migrations | Max Maton |
MINI | RealGrowth | lukasz1985 |
NCGS | NewCityGrowth | Moep |
NGBR | Neighbours are important | Zuu |
NRWD | Renewed World Disorder | keoz & LaChupacabra |
RCIN | Rebuild Closed Industries | Vampyrbyte |
RDIC | Industry Constructor | R2dical |
RECG | Renewed City Growth | keoz |
REVI | Renewed Village Growth | Firrel |
RTCH | Open TTD Route Chartering | rexrex600 |
SCPL | Script Communication Protocol | Krinn & Zuu |
SeGS | ServerGS | Zuu |
SIVY | SiliconValley | frosch |
SMCB | Simpleton's City Builder | TheDude |
SPCE | CityDomination | NullByte |
SPLI | Split Scenario GS | Zuu |
SPRL | SuperLib | Zuu |
SyCG | City Growth Limiter | Sylf |
TEAD | Technology Advancement | Firrel |
TEXT | Text Library | Zuu |
TGAL | Think globally, act locally | James & McZapkie |
TGGS | TGsameGS | same-f |
TGRE | Town Growth Resetter | James |
TNIG | Town & Industry Control | James |
TOLL | HighwayToll | Kraken |
TUT_ | Beginner Tutorial GS | Zuu |
VIsV | Villages Is Villages | Timberwolf |