This is a list alphabetically of availables 'console commands. For more information consult Console.
Command | Type | Description | Clients |
alias <name> <command> | other | Create an alias named <name> bound to <command>. | |
ban <ip | client-id> | multiplayer | Ban the client with IP <ip> or id <client-id>. | No |
banlist | multiplayer | List banned clients. | No |
cd <directory | number> | file handling | Change the working directory to <directory> or <number>. | |
clear | other | Clears the console screen. | |
clients | multiplayer | Lists client id, name, company id, and IP address of each client. | Yes |
client_name <client-id> <name> | multiplayer | Rename a client's username, this is useful if a client e.g. joins with an offensive username | No |
companies | multiplayer | Show a list of players and their attributes, e.g. company name, loan value, number of vehicles etc. | No |
company_pw [<company-id>] "<password>" | multiplayer | Change the password of a company, this is useful if a player forgets their companies password | No |
connect <host> | game | Connect to a network game running on <host>. Not available for the server. Add #<companynumber> as argument, and you'll join that company. "" will make you join spectators. | |
content download | file handling | Download all selected online content | |
content select (ID / all) | file handling | Select item by ID or select all | |
content state | file handling | Show the state (selected / unselected) of all items | |
content update | file handling | Updates the list of available online content. | |
content upgrade | file handling | Select all files which are upgrades (of locally existing files) | |
content unselect (ID / all) | file handling | Unselect item by ID or unselect all | |
debug_level [<level>] | other | Get / set the debugging levels of different parts of the game. | |
echo <text> | other | Print out <text> on the console. | |
echoc <color> <text> | other | Print out <text> in color <color>. <color> is a number between 0 and 255. | |
exec <script> <?> | file handling | Executes a local script file. | |
exit / quit | game | Quit the game. | |
font [medium|small|large|mono] [<font name>] [<size>] | other | Without any arguments, display the current font configuration. Otherwise, change one of the game fonts. For more details, run 'help font'. | |
getseed | other | Returns the seed used to create the game, for randomly generated games. The seed can be used to reproduce the same starting map. | |
help [<item>] | help | Display basic console help, specify <item> for help on that specific command or variable. | |
info_cmd <command> | other | Show technical information on the command <commmand>. | |
info_var <variable> | other | Show technical information on the variable <variable>. | |
join <company-id> [<password>] | multiplayer | Join a company, <password> is only needed if the company you want to join is password protected | Yes |
kick <ip | client-id> | multiplayer | Kick the client with IP <ip> or id <client-id>. | No |
list_aliases | help | List all available aliases. | |
list_ai | multiplayer | List of available ai's on server | Yes |
list_cmds [<filter>] | help | List all available commands, optionally only commands starting with <filter>. | |
list_patches | help | List all Advanced Settings. | |
list_vars [<filter>] | help | List all registered variables, optionally only variables starting with <filter>. | |
load <number | file> | game | Load the savegame <number> or <file>. | |
ls / dir | file handling | List files of current directory. | |
move <client-id> <company-id> | multiplayer | move a client to any company, use company-id of 255 to move the client to spectators | No |
newgame | game | Start a new game. | |
part | game | Quit a running game and go back to the intro menu. Not available for the server. | |
patch <patchname> [<newvalue>] | other | Get and set the patch settings from the console. If <newvalue> is ommitted the current value is printed. See Console Settings for a listing of all available settings. | |
pause | multiplayer | Pause a network game. | No |
pwd | file handling | Print out the current working directory. | |
rcon <password> "<command>" | multiplayer | Execute <command> on the server authenticated by <password> while connected as a client. The password must be set in advance locally on the server with by "rcon_pw <password>". | Yes |
reconnect | game | Reconnects to the last server you were playing on. (Introduced in r17466, only in 1.0/nightlies) | |
reset_company <company-id> | multiplayer | Delete the company identified by <company-id>. | No |
rescan_ai | game | Rescan for newly added ai/scripts | |
resetengines | other | Resets all use-age and availability of engines. | |
restart | game | Restart the same game. | |
return | file handling | Stop executing a running script. | |
rm <number | file> | file handling | Remove a savegame by name or index. | |
save <number | file> | game | Saves the current game as <number> or <file>. | |
say "<msg>" | multiplayer | Send a chat message containing <text> to all players. | Yes |
say_client <client-id> "<msg>" | multiplayer | Send a chat message containing <msg> to the client identified by <client-id>. | Yes |
say_player <player-id> "<msg>" | multiplayer | Send a chat message containing <msg> to everyone in the company identified by <player-id> (1-10). | Yes |
screenshot [big | nocon] | other | Takes a screenshot. 'big' makes a screenshot of the whole map. 'nocon' hides the console for a normal screenshot. | |
script <file> | file handling | Record a script to the file named <file>. | |
scrollto <tile> | other | Scroll to the tile numbered <tile>; accepts hexadecimal (prexifed with 0x) and decimal values. Use the land area information tool to get the number of a specific tile. | |
server_info | multiplayer | List current and maximum client/player limits. | No |
spectate | multiplayer | alias to join 255 | Yes |
start_ai <ai> | multiplayer | Start an available ai | No |
status | multiplayer | Get the status information on all currently connected clients. | No |
stop_ai <company-id> | multiplayer | Stop an existing AI, the company will get completely purged from the map afterwards | No |
unban <ip> | multiplayer | Remove a ban on <ip>. | No |
unpause | multiplayer | Unpause a network game. | No |