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The user page is here: AI settings (en)
AI Programming
- API Documentation
- Introduction
- info.nut file
- main.nut file
- Basics
- Using the road pathfinder
- Using the rail pathfinder
- Saving / Loading data
- Things you need to know
- Squirrel
- Lists
- Coping with OTTD errors
- Trams
- AI Libraries
- Forum
- Forum FAQ
- AI Behavior
- ShortNames in use
All articles in NoAI categoryWelcome to the AI Development. Starting from 0.7.0 release it is possible for any user to create his or her own AI. Not only do we deliver a clean and simple API, we also allow you to make your AI in scripts. This should make it possible for anyone with a bit of programming knowledge to make fairly good AIs. It should also challenge people to build better AIs than the ones we had in 0.6. This page is all about telling you how to do it.
For all pages there is a rule: where examples are given, we will use Squirrel. We suggest everyone who wants to write an AI to read the Introduction as it will explain the basic concept.
Contents |
Source & binaries
As of April 1st, 2009 NoAI is available in the 0.7.0 release. This means, you can get the latest stable release. Alternately you can get the latest source code by checking out from OpenTTD SVN repository (svn://openttd.org), or get compiled version by downloading a nightly build.
- Introduction to writing an AI for OpenTTD
- Basics of writing an AI
- Things you need to know about writing an AI
- Common pitfalls when working with Squirrel
- Introduction to lists (TownList, TileList, ...)
- Find out how to retrieve error messages after failed build commands
- Trams, and everything related
API Documentation
- Documentation of all API functions can be found in the Doxygen output. For AI API only, check http://noai.openttd.org/docs/
User AIs
To download user made AIs, please use the online content service or alternatively have a look at the NoAI forum.