Build raw material industries

This setting will enable you to purchase and either prospect or place industries which create raw materials.


The standard fund new industry menu

The extended fund new industry menu

Normally, you are only allowed to purchase industries which process materials, e.g. Factories, Sawmills, etc. When this setting is enabled, you are also allowed to build raw-material producing industries such as coal mines, iron ore mines, etc.

When the prospecting construction method is selected, you will be able to purchase a new industry of the selected type, but the industry will appear in a random location on the map. There is a chance that prospection may fail, which means that the money will be spent, but the industry will not be constructed.

This does not affect which types of "naturally occurring" industries show up, just which ones you are able to purchase.


Construction of primary industries is disabled by default. When enabled, the list of industries you can purchase will include industries which produce the raw materials, with appropriate pricing. Raw industries are are about 8x more expensive to build at a specific location than to randomly prospect. You can enable this setting through the Advanced Settings -> Economy -> Industries -> Manual primary industry construction method window or use the following syntax in Openttd.cfg:

raw_industry_construction = 2

0 = none, 1 = as other industries, 2 = prospecting

Valid options: [ 0 | 1 | 2 ]

Default: 0

It can also be set in the console using the command (single player games only):

set raw_industry_construction <value>

List of fundable Primary Industries

To Do
Add the primary industries from Toyland climate to the list below.
Climate Name Cost
(no inflation)
T S _ _ Coal Mine £ 4,921,875 Produces Coal to be sent to Power Plants.
T S _ _ Forest £ 4,687,500 Produces Wood to be sent to Sawmill.
T _ _ _ Oil Rig £ 5,625,000 Obviously this may only be built at sea.
T S R _ Farm £ 5,859,375 Produces Grain and Livestock to be sent to Factories.
T S R _ Oil Wells £ 5,156,250 Produces Oil to be sent to Oil Refineries.
T _ _ _ Iron Ore Mine £ 5,156,250 Produces Iron Ore to be sent to Steel Mills.
_ S _ _ Gold Mine £ 4,875,000 Produces Gold to be sent to Banks.
_ _ R _ Copper Ore Mine £ 4,804,687 Produces Copper Ore to be sent to Factories.
_ _ R _ Diamond Mine £ 4,992,187 Produces Diamonds to be sent to Banks.
_ _ R _ Fruit Plantation £ 5,273,437 Produces Fruit to be delivered to Food Processing Plants.
_ _ R _ Lumber Mill £ 395,507 Is technically classified as secondary industry.
_ _ R _ Rubber Plantation £ 5,109,375 Produces Rubber to be delivered to Factories.
_ _ R _ Water Supply £ 4,664,062 Produces Water to be delivered to Water Towers.

With inflation, the cost of specific industries will rise (or have already risen). The costs shown are the costs to build the industry assuming you can choose the location where you want the industry to be built. If the prospecting method is enabled, the costs are divided by a factor of 8 (approximately).