All the pages and folders inside this folder.
- Admin password
- Advanced Settings
- Advanced path signal options & features
- Ai disable veh aircraft
- Ai disable veh roadveh
- Ai disable veh train
- Allow goto depot orders
- Allow shares
- Allow town roads
- Always allow small airport
- Autoclean companies
- Autoclean novehicles
- Autoclean protected
- Autoclean unprotected
- Autosave
- Autoscroll
- Bribe authority
- Bridge pillars
- Build in pause
- Build on slopes
- Build raw material industries
- Change station spread
- Coloured newspaper
- Competitor speed
- Configuring patches in 0.2.0
- Configuring patches
- Connect to ip
- Console Settings
- Console Variables
- Construction cost
- Currency
- Custom sea level
- Custom town number
- Cycle signal types
- Default company pass
- Diff custom
- Diff level
- Difficulty
- Disable AI vehicles
- Disable inflation
- Disable ships for computer
- Disasters (settings)
- Display hz
- Distant join station
- Distant-join stations
- Distribution armoured
- Drag signal density
- Economy (settings)
- Error message duration
- Extend vehicle life
- Extra dynamite
- Extra tree placement
- Freeform edges
- Freight trains
- Full load any cargo
- Fullscreen bpp
- Fullscreen
- Gotodepot
- Improved Loading
- Improved load
- Industry density
- Inflation
- Initial interest
- Invisibility options
- Invisible trees
- Join train stations
- Keep all autosaves
- Keyboard
- Lan internet
- Land generator
- Landscape
- Language
- Larger towns
- Line reverse mode
- Local authority distance
- Long date in status bar
- Longer bridges
- Mammoth trains
- Map size
- Max aircraft
- Max autosave num
- Max join time
- Max loan
- Max no competitors
- Max road vehicles
- Max roadveh
- Max ships
- Max spectators
- Max trains
- Message settings
- Min active clients
- Mod road rebuild
- Modified catchment
- Multiple industries per town
- Musicdriver
- Never expire vehicles
- New global pathfinding
- New train pathfinding
- News display
- News ticker sound
- No servicing if no breakdowns
- Nonuniform stations
- Number industries
- Number towns
- Oil refinery limit
- Openttd.cfg
- Order review system
- Path backoff interval
- Pathfinder
- Pause on join
- Plane crashes
- Plane speed factor
- Plane speed
- Player name
- Population in label
- Quantity sea lakes
- Quick Goto
- Realistic acceleration
- Remove absurd road-elements during the road construction
- Reserve paths
- Resolution
- Restart game year
- Rightclick emulate
- Road side
- Road stop on competitor road
- Road stop on town road
- Road vehicle queueing
- Same industries close
- Savegame format
- Screenshot format
- Select goods
- Semaphore Build Before
- Server advertise
- Server bind ip
- Server lang
- Server name
- Server password
- Server port
- Service at helipad
- Service interval aircraft
- Service interval road vehicles
- Service interval ships
- Service interval trains
- Servint aircraft
- Servint ispercent
- Servint roadveh
- Servint ships
- Servint trains
- Show finances at end of year
- Show signals on the drive side
- Show vehicle speed
- Shuffle
- Smooth economy
- Snow line height
- Starting date
- Starting year
- Station noise level
- Subsidy multiplier
- Terrain type
- Tgen smoothness
- Toolbar position
- Town council tolerance
- Town growth rate
- Town layout
- Town name
- Train acceleration model
- Train income warning
- Train is lost warning
- Train slope steepness
- Transparency locks
- Transparency options (variable)
- Tree placer
- Unicode
- Uniform station
- Variety
- Vehicle breakdowns
- Vehicle costs
- Wagon speed limits
- Wait for pbs path
- Wait oneway signal
- Wait twoway signal
- Water borders
- Window snap radius