Zestawy NewGRF
Ten artykuł jest w trakcie zniesienia.

Powód: Artykuł może przeterminować się, jakby pokrywał się z innymi NewGRF (en) , utrzymanie obu -pl- to strata wysiłku

Żądanie: andythenorth (talk) 16:50, 3 Wrzesień 2017 (UTC)

Lista zestawów NewGRF zawiera niektóre poziomy NewGRF dla OpenTTD, celem tego zestawu jest ujawnienie i zapoznanie z różnymi dostępnymi głównymi/popularnymi NewGRF`ami. Jeśli korzystasz z usługi w grze Online content (en) , możesz znaleźć te NewGrf wymienione poniżej, wpisując ich nazwę w polu wyszukiwania lub eksperymentując z szeroką rzeczywistością innych hostowanych tam NewGRF, alternatywnie możesz przejrzeć bazę danych GrfCrawler, na której usłudze ta lista głównie opierała się.

Praca w toku
W tej chwili lista zawiera niektóre NewGrf jako symbole zastępcze, możesz je zastąpić bardziej wykształconymi nowymi poziomami NewGrf, kiedy priorytetem jest NewGRFy dostępny na Bananas.


NewGRF Sets

Oto niektóre zestawy NewGRF posortowane według kategorii:


/File/en/Archive/Lists/Grfcrawler vehicles.png Everything which transports cargo for you
2cc - Trains of the World
The 2cc Set includes trains from all around the world, drawn in dual company colors.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/2cc TrainSet logo 125px.png
Homepage • GrfCrawlerOnline DL
GRVTS eGRVTS - Generic Road Vehicle and Tram Set
Includes road vehicles and trams for 1920 to 2050, support newGRF cargoes.
Extended version Includes additional vehicles for 1800 to 2075, with total of 218 Vehicles.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/EGRVTS 125px.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnline DL • r13850
(AV8) Aviators Aircraft
Include a large range of planes from early propeller aircraft in 1920 to 2050.
Utilising different graphics for taxiing, and takeoff and landing,includes landing and take off sounds.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Av8 125px.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnline DL
Very large ships or Fish
Very large ships - Modified parameters of the ships - they are much larger and appropriately more expensive.
Fish - River boats, lake ships and coasters in a range of attractive sizes from 15t to 1080t. Features lickable pixels in two company colours.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Fish 125ps.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnline DL
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/File/en/Archive/Lists/Grfcrawler station.png Train stations and airports
Industrial Stations
Industrial stations with facilities to cover all cargos in the game. Features gradual loading cargo showing in platforms, animated sprites and non-track tiles.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Industrial Stations Renewal 125px.png
Homepage • GrfCrawlerOnline DL
City Stations
City stations for TTDPatch/OpenTTD (Nightlies). Part of the former Project Generic Stations.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/City Stations 125px.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnly manual DL
Suburban Stations
Suburban stations for TTDPatch/OpenTTD (Nightlies). Part of the former Project Generic Stations.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Suburban Stations 125px.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnline DL
Rural Stations
Full compliment of station elements. Full-tile platforms, basic platforms, platforms, benches, shelters in a number of combinations, an overpass, and a passenger building.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Rural Stations 125px.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnline DL
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Town Buildings

/File/en/Archive/Lists/Grfcrawler townbuildings.png NewGRF providing houses
Total Town Replacement Set version 3
A set to replace all original TTD town buildings or to be used as an addition to the original TTD town buildings. Its contains some "special" buildings, ECS features, two road sets and more
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Total Town Replacement Set version 3 125px.png
Homepage • GrfCrawlerOnline DL
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Industries / Cargoes

/File/en/Archive/Lists/Grfcrawler industriescargo.png Industry sets and cargo modifications
ECS Vectors (en)
Includes variety of new industries set you can choose from Machinery, Chemicals, Wood, Agricultural and Construction.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/ECS Basics vector 125px.png
Homepage • GrfCrawlerOnline DL
FIRS Industry Set
lots of raw materials to move and nice range of 'final' cargos including the ability to deliver both goods and food to towns in all climates.
Features game progression as different eras will bring different industries with them, which will require you to evolve your transport routes over time and make for more interesting and challenging gameplay.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/FIRS 125px.png
Homepage • GrfCrawlerOnline DL
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/File/en/Archive/Lists/Grfcrawler infrastructure.png Infrastructure like road and rails
Total Bridge Renewal Set
Add's many new bridges, with some updated originals.
Note: may not have compatibility with existing roadset or railset.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Total Bridge Renewal Set 125px.png
Homepage • GrfCrawlerOnline DL
Swedish Rails
A fully snow aware rail set for normal and electrified rails
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Swedish Rails 125px.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnline DL
Bigger Train Depots
If you thinking how the hell that 12 wagons long train fit in that tiny depot this addon is just for you.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Bigger Train Depots 125px.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnline DL
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/File/en/Archive/Lists/Grfcrawler landscape.png Landscape altering NewGRF
Smooth Snow Transition
Make in the arctic and temperate climate a smooth transition from grass to snow instead of three steps.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Smooth Snow Transition 125px.png
Homepage • GrfCrawlerOnline DL
Full TTO Conversion
This will change TTD to TTO graphically. Also some extra files and an easter egg included.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Full TTO Conversion 125px.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnline DL
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/File/en/Archive/Lists/Grfcrawler other.png Everything which doesn't fit another category
Toyland to Mars Conversion (en)
Default Mars graphics is from Mars landscape for TTO
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Toyland to Mars Conversion 125px.png
Homepage • GrfCrawlerOnly manual DL
Manga Faces
GRF to replace the game's faces with manga-styled ones.
/File/en/Archive/Lists/Manga Faces 125px.png
Homepage • GrfcrawlerOnly manual DL
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Zestawy dla poszczególnych krajów

Umożliwia przeszukiwanie bazy danych GrfCrawler w poszukiwaniu zestawów specyficznych dla kraju. (majors 5+ sety)

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