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The console window
Console commands
Console variables
Using console scripting
Adding functions/commands to the console
Adding variables to the console
Console development history
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This document explains how to add console functions.
Contents |
the first step
the first thing you ll need if you want to do anything within the console is
include "console.h"
this gives you the ability to access all IConsole functions and structures you will have to use if you are intending to add Commands/Functions/Variables to the Console.
creating the commands c++ function
static _iconsole_var * MyLittleConsoleFunction(byte argc, byte* argv[], byte argt[]) { if (argc<2) return NULL; // i am a dummy :D return NULL; }
parameter | meaning |
argc | the count of parameters the parser overloaded to the function |
argv | the parameters itself |
parameters passed directly from out of the console have the type ICONSOLE_VAR_UNKNOWN by default. ICONSOLE_VAR_UNKNOWN is an string but it could contain an integer or something like that. it depends on what way the c++ function is handling it. if someone has used something like this:
]printf "%i" *temp_uint_16 31291
the first parameter is passed as ICONSOLE_VAR_UNKNOWN and the second one is passed as ICONSOLE_VAR_UINT16. only variables which were passed to the commands have the ability to be in an other type as ICONSOLE_VAR_UNKNOWN.
using variable references
if someone has passed a variable by its reference:
]dosomething @*temp_uint_16 did something with temp_uint_16
the type of this first parameter will be ICONSOLE_VAR_REFERENCE. example how to write dosomething command:
static _iconsole_var * IConsoleStdLibRandom(byte argc, byte* argv[], byte argt[]) { if (argt[1]==ICONSOLE_VAR_REFERENCE) { _iconsole_var * item; item = (_iconsole_var *) argv[1]; IConsolePrintF("did something with %s",item->name); } return NULL; }
returning a value within your function
static _iconsole_var * IConsoleStdLibRandom(byte argc, byte* argv[], byte argt[]) { _iconsole_var * result; result = IConsoleVarAlloc(ICONSOLE_VAR_UINT16); IConsoleVarSetValue(result,rand()); return result; }
_iconsole_var * IConsoleVarAlloc(byte type);
used to allocate some memory for an _iconsole_var structure.
void IConsoleVarSetValue(_iconsole_var * var, int value);
used to easyly set a value of an _iconsole_var structure
void IConsoleVarSetString(_iconsole_var * var, byte * string);
IConsoleVarSetString is used to assign a string to the value
registering the command
somewhere in your code you should add a line like this ... this should be done during the initalization of openttd: [review the first example]
this registers your command as an console command named mylittlefunction. you also can add one c++ function with different console command names... just give it a try... if everything went fine you should see the following:
]list_cmds echo echof printf mylittlefunction