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- grfEq
- grfFrom
- grfTill
- grf
- inne strony
Used on pages
- Action13
- Action4
- Additional text in purchase screen
- Airport Tiles
- Ambient sound effects
- Articulated engine
- Can wagon be attached
- Cargo Subtype Display
- Cargo sub-type display for industries
- CargoTypes
- Change vehicle properties
- Custom cargo production
- Custom shape check
- Customized building name
- Extra information about layout in the build gui
- Get accepted cargo types
- Global Settings
- GlobalVariables
- Houses
- Houses
- Industry Tiles
- Industry Tiles
- Industry availability
- Industry location permissibility
- Layout name
- Load amount
- Callback
- Object slope check
- Planes
- RoadVehicles
- Ships
- Show additional text in fund∕building window
- Show additional text in industry window
- Station slope check
- Trains
- Vehicle Start∕stop check
- VehicleRefitting
- Vehicles
- Vehicles
- Wagon length
- grfEq
- grfFrom