Q: モノレールとマグレブってどうやって使うの?線路の変換をクリックしてから線路をクリックしても何も起きないんだけど!!!助けて!!!!
A: 俺も同じ問題にあったよ。メインメニューを長押ししてメニューを選べばほかの線路を選べるよ。もう一つ、線路の種類の変換は線路を変換するためのものだ(例えば通常の線路をマグレブにするとか)。だから、マグレブ線路を選んでから線路の変換をクリックして、その後古い線路上をドラッグしよう。
Q: 新しい列車が見当たらないんだけど!!!!
A: ほかの種類の線路を試してみて。電車とかマグレブとかモノレールとか。
Q: 車庫に電車が見当たらないんだけど!!!!
A: ちゃんと電化されている列車庫を見ているかどうか確認してみて。
Q: RV? キャンピングカーみたいなやつのこと?
A: RVはRoad Vehicles(道路車両)の略だよ。
Q: EGRVTを使ってたら馬が1mphで走ってるんだけど!!!!
A: 設定から道路車両の加減速モデルをオリジナルにしよう。
A: 設定から飛行速度の減速係数を1/1にしよう。
- 長い経路を構築し、できるだけ平たんにし、曲がり角は少なくしよう(速度が最大化できる)
- '満載の指示'を指令に追加しよう
- 遅延輸送ペナルティがある貨物(旅客、郵便物、商品)は大体70日以内で、それ以外(石油、石炭、原木など)はおよそ130日以内に輸送できる距離に最適化しよう。厳密な距離は貨物ごとに異なるが、70日と130日は基礎とするには十分合理的である。
- 各車両は70日間で車両の平均速度の2.5倍のタイルを移動する。130日間では平均速度の4.5倍である。車両の速度が60km/hの場合、遅延輸送ペナルティがある貨物の最適な輸送距離は150タイルであり、そうでない貨物の最適な輸送距離は270タイルである。
- 車両の速度がmphの場合、それぞれ4倍と7倍であり、45mphの場合180タイルまたは315タイルである。
- そう遠くない距離への輸送は簡単であり、非常に遠くに送るのはあまり良いアイディアではない。
Why does cargo at my stations disappear?
That happens when you are not providing a sufficiently good service to the stations. The worse your station rating, the less cargo will be allocated to the station in the first place, and where the rating is below 50%, even the cargo that is there will gradually disappear.
To fix this problem, increase the rating. See also the answer to the next question.
How to maximize 'Local rating of transport service'
Read about station rating and town rating.
How to disable opening and closing of industries
- Manual Industries
A newer version for OpenTTD, 1.1.x (currently, nightlies only) is available as Manual Industries in bananas, the online content system.
Is it possible to use the operating system cursor instead of the sluggish OpenTTD cursor?
It is possible, with a few minor changes to the code, but at the moment there is no option for it. Alternatively, you might code a NewGRF (en) to do it.
How do I relocate the main toolbar and statusbar, since it's 'centred' on a dual-display?
In Interface (en) there are options to set the position of the main toolbar and the statusbar to left, centre or right.
How to get expired vehicles back?
After 2050 vehicles expire, which means they are no longer available for you. That is really bad if you want to open a new service!
See the page Never expire vehicles (en) on how to avoid that.
How long is a game day in real time?
One game day takes 2220ms (2.22 seconds) real time. A game year thus takes 810.3 seconds, or 13.505 minutes.
Why are my vehicles not serviced?
Make sure that:
- breakdowns are on,
- servicing when breakdowns are off is off,
- the depot is within 20 squares of the path your vehicle is following.
Note that the '20 squares' to the depot must have suitable roads or tracks for the vehicle to use. Road crossings, signals, bridges and other obstacles all count towards the limit.
How to get computer opponents (AIs) in my game?
Starting with version 0.7.0, the default computer opponent has been removed. As a replacement, you can now download opponents from the online content system, or even develop your own AI opponent! See
- The AI settings (en) page describes how to download and activate opponents.
- The Comparison of AIs (en) page describes the available opponents.
- The Script (en) describes how to program your own opponents, in case you want to make a better one.
How to disable trains reversing at signals?
See Disable Train Reversing (en)
My train is going in the wrong direction!! Why?
The path finder is quite clever in routing the trains. If they head off in the 'wrong' direction, it normally means there really is no shorter path. Some simple things to check:
- Missing track piece (maglev makes seeing that hard)
- Wrong track type/no electrification; one track tile that you forgot to electrify can cause all your new electric trains to be unable to reach their destination
- Your trains are not allowed to go round 90 degree curves, but the only way contains them
- Difficulty options forbid reversing at stations
- There really is no way (check for detours due to servicing).
- Signals of wrong type and/or direction
Why are my aircraft disappearing?
Big planes have a high chance to crash while landing at small or commuter airports. See also Aircraft (en)#accidents.
Why are my road vehicles disappearing?
If you have very fast trains and level crossings, vehicles may not be able to get out of the way before the train arrives. The vehicle will be crushed and destroyed, and the train will just continue on its way. There is also a 'small UFO' disaster which will destroy road vehicles occasionally.