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- For a listing of cargo types, see the Cargo category
In Manual (en), Cargo is what you, as a Transport company (en), transport. They are produced by some Industries (en) and Towns (en), and they are accepted by others.
Industries (en) and town-buildings that are within a Stations (en)'s Catchment area (en) accept cargo and passengers through this station, and will place their cargo at the station to be delivered elsewhere. (In some industries, only certain squares can accept cargo. See Catchment area (en) for more information.)
If a cargo is placed at a station and it ammount are affected by the station's rating Station rating about that type of cargo.
Passengers (en) and Mail (en) are also types of cargo, mainly produced and accepted by Towns (en)s. Different building squares in towns accept differing amounts of passengers and other cargo. The acceptances can be found out by using the land area information tool (question mark). If a square can't accept a cargo by itself, the amount is noted by 1/8's. There has to be at least 8/8 of a cargo type in a station's catchment area for the station to accept that cargo.
Some industry tiles also accept 1/8 of passengers. Industries however, except for Oil Rig (en)s, don't produce any passengers. Most notably, Steel Mill (en)s have many 1/8 squares and can accept passengers on their own. Furthermore, the Company Headquarters accepts and generates some passengers and mail to help players in the very beginning of the game.
See Cargo income (en) for more information on how income is calculated.
Below are charts and tables showing each Cargo in each climate, and what produces and accepts them.