Building depots
Manual Tutorials

Basic tutorial:

Setting up a bus service
Setting up a train service
Setting up a plane service

Advanced railway tutorial:

Two Platforms
Two Tracks
Basic Network

In game tutorial:

In-game tutorial
In-depth Instructions

Railway construction:
Building tracks
Building stations
Building depots
Placing signals
Buying & selling trains
Converting railways
Road construction:
Building roads
Building stations and loading bays
Building depots
Buying & selling road vehicles
Waterways construction:
Building docks
Building depots
Placing buoys
Buying & selling ships
Building locks and canals
Airport construction:
Building airports
Buying & selling aircraft
General construction:
Building bridges
Working with vehicles:
Setting vehicle orders
Refitting vehicles
Replacing vehicles
Grouping vehicles
This page describes only railway depots. There are also depots for the other transport types.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to build (place, position) depots so they align with your tracks. Depots are where you build new trains and service existing trains, so make sure trains can both enter and exit depots.


How do I place a depot?

  1. Click the railway build button /File/en/Manual/Manual html m772c5b23.png on the menu bar to display the railway construction toolbar:
    The railway construction toolbar
  2. Click on new depot button or press "7". The Train Depot Orientation window opens.
    Selecting new depot button
  3. Select the direction you want your depot to face. This determines how trains enter and exit the depot.
    Window for selecting direction of depot
  4. Place the depot next to your tracks, orientating the exit towards the tracks. Besides building on flat land you can also Build on slopes.
    Selecting position for a depot
  5. Once you are happy with the position, click to place the depot. If there are rails adjacent to the depot, additional tracks will be placed automatically.
    A newly built depot with automatically connected tracks

Remember, you can always destroy your depot with the dynamite tool /File/en/Manual/Clear title.png.

Where should I place a depot?

Where to place a depot is a strategic decision completely up to you. You can always just stick couple of depots on your lines and hope for the best /File/en/Manual/Smile 22px.png.

You should make sure that trains:

There are a few strategies for achieving this:

  1. Service trains at specified time intervals or add depots into the train's orders list. Depots can be added to the train's orders in the same way as stations and waypoints.
    Depots at the entrance of a station
    Depots placed on tracks
  2. Build rails in such a way that trains are forced to enter a depot each time they pass through a station or track.
    Depots at the end of station lines. Trains are forced to be serviced.
    Depots that force trains to be serviced

There are also other advanced depot configurations that solve some issues that affect the configurations described above.

The most common problems related to depots are:

Advanced depot configurations

Other advantages for this configuration:

  • Needs minimal space
  • Fast and long trains are only slowed down once for both servicing and passing through the station.
  • Avoids sharp turns by using the 'depot trick' to turn vehicles around 180 degrees

Trains waiting in the depot until there is a free platform. Note the path signal in front of the depot entrance.

Be sure to stop the trains when modifying tracks or signals around them; failure to do so may lead to another crash.

/File/en/Manual/Entry presignal.png

/File/en/Manual/Exit presignal.png

/File/en/Manual/Combo presignal.png
Entry pre-signal  ·  Exit pre-signal  ·  Combo pre-signal

This layout creates a pre-signal chain running backwards along your track. In the picture, a train on the main line has made the grey exit pre-signal red. The red exit pre-signal communicates to the combo pre-signals, and turn them red. The entry pre-signal is red because its only exit pre-signal is red.

Right-of-way depot. The train from the main line has the priority over trains exiting the depot

Splitting your tracks into 2 or more tracks before servicing is useful if traffic is heavy. Because trains slow down when entering depots, a queue of trains may build up before a depot. If the trains are directed to 2 depots using Signals then 2 trains can be serviced at the same time allowing for more traffic on that line.

This does not affect the average speed on the main line.

Next: Placing signals »