Manual Tutorials

Basic tutorial:

Setting up a bus service
Setting up a train service
Setting up a plane service

Advanced railway tutorial:

Two Platforms
Two Tracks
Basic Network

In game tutorial:

In-game tutorial
In-depth Instructions

Railway construction:
Building tracks
Building stations
Building depots
Placing signals
Buying & selling trains
Converting railways
Road construction:
Building roads
Building stations and loading bays
Building depots
Buying & selling road vehicles
Waterways construction:
Building docks
Building depots
Placing buoys
Buying & selling ships
Building locks and canals
Airport construction:
Building airports
Buying & selling aircraft
General construction:
Building bridges
Working with vehicles:
Setting vehicle orders
Refitting vehicles
Replacing vehicles
Grouping vehicles

Landscaping is the term applied to terraforming of the landscape in scenarios through use of the landscaping tools, including raising, lowering and leveling land.


Landscaping the land

To show the toolbar press the landscape button /File/en/Manual/Landscaping button.png on the menu bar. Once clicked the landscaping toolbar pops up.

The landscaping toolbar

What do all those buttons do?

The buttons are self-explanatory. From left to right:

Button Action Shortcut Description
/File/en/Manual/Lower land.png Landscaping button Q

/File/en/Manual/Raise land.png Landscaping button W

/File/en/Manual/Level land.png Level land button E

/File/en/Manual/Clear title.png Clear land button D Clear the land
/File/en/Manual/Buy land.png Buy land button U Set land aside, inhibiting town development or use by rivals
/File/en/Manual/Plant trees.png Plant trees button I Opens the tree planting toolbar
/File/en/Manual/Place sign.png Place Signs button O

Raising land

Beware that when raising the top of a mountain, the base of the mountain will grow too. The expense is not for the height, but for the volume of change. Avoid raising land from the sea, as it is extremely expensive and can bankrupt young companies. You can also raise an area of land by clicking and dragging the mouse. First, the starting tile of the selection is raised by one, and then the selected area is levelled to match the starting edge, so it is basically a combination of the raise and the level tool.

You can press and hold CTRL to rotate the selected area by 45°

Lowering land

Land can be lowered to sea level. Beware that areas at sea level are prone to flooding, and all tiles will be washed away. You can also lower an area of land by clicking and dragging the mouse. First, the starting tile of the selection is lowered by one, and then the selected area is levelled to match the starting edge, so it is basically a combination of the lower and the level tool.

You can press and hold CTRL to rotate the selected area by 45°

Leveling land

Use the level land tool to flatten land over a large area.

View when an area is selected

View after the area has been leveled


advanced setting Autoslope.

This is a advanced setting under Construction which makes the terraforming restrictions far less severe and allows you to terraform under objects, where you normally would need to remove the object first. It automatically add/removes foundations as necessary.

Note: Some objects (such as canals, certain NewGRF industries and town buildings, and competitor-owned land) don't allow foundations to be added or changed on the tiles that the object is on, regardless of if autoslope is enabled.

Without autoslope
With autoslope
Feature availability