Sandbox options
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OpenTTD has a variety of Sandbox Options to make gameplay easier. Using sandbox options is not possible in multiplayer games the way it is mentioned in this article, but see below for more information on that.


The Main Window

/File/en/Manual/Cheat Window Numbered.png

Most of the sandbox options are self-explanatory but a brief description of each option is available below. Options are listed from top to bottom.

Increase money by £10,000,000

Increases (or decreases) available money by £10,000,000. You can press it as many times as you like. Money cannot decrease below zero with the decrease button.

Possible Settings: Any numerical value which is a multiple of £10,000,000 ($20,000,000), greater than zero.

Playing as company #

Allows you to play in any company (whether it be an AI company or another human company from a loaded multiplayer save), control their vehicles, etc.

Save your game before using this option because an assertion error may occur and you'll lose all you have been working on.

Possible Settings: Company Number from 1 to 15

Magic bulldozer

The Magic bulldozer allows you to destroy Industries and other normally immovable objects such as lighthouses.

A shot of the town before it will be destroyed with magic bulldozer. Notice that the immovable object (telephone pole) will also be destroyed.

The town after being destroyed.

Possible Settings: On or Off

Tunnels may cross each other

Allows you to build tunnels that intersect underground.

Possible Settings: On or Off

Jetplanes will not crash (frequently) on small airports

Large Aircraft don't have a tendency to crash all the time on small Airports. They will still crash occasionally though, with the same frequency as crashes at other airports.

Possible Settings: On or Off

Enable modifying production values

Allows you to modify the amount of cargo produced by industries.

Possible Settings: On or Off (Although the production value max is 2,040 tonnes/2,040,000 kilograms)

Fix station ratings at 100%

Allows you to fix station ratings to 100%, which stops the station from losing cargo due to a poor rating.

Possible Settings: On or Off (Although the production value max is 2,040 tonnes/2,040,000 kilograms)

Edit the maximum map height

Allows you to change the maximum map height for the current game. Note that you can't set this lower than the height of the tallest mountain on the map.

Possible Settings: 15 to 255

Change date

The time is at your hand! You can go back in time or travel to the future with this sandbox option. Click on the date to enter the desired year directly, instead of incrementing or decrementing it with the arrows.

Unfortunately, it doesn't affect inflation or expired vehicles. To regain access to expired trains, open the Console and type reset_engines. Any vehicles or stations (future Airports) that become available while you are using this option, will still be available when you go back to the original date. Also, traveling before the year in which you began your game prevents the financial information from working properly.

Possible Settings: Any year from 0 to 5,000,000


During the course of development of the game, new sandbox options have been added while others are removed. This section lists settings that were previously sandbox options, but can now be found elsewhere.

Allow Electric Trains to run on normal track

Since OpenTTD 0.7.0, this option has been moved to the Advanced Settings menu, where it can be found under the Vehicles » Trains subcategory. This setting disables electric rails altogether.

Build while in pause mode

Since OpenTTD 1.1.0, this option has been moved to the Advanced Settings menu, where it can be found under the Limitations category.

Switch climate

This option is not available in OpenTTD 1.2 and newer, because it is an awful hack that is likely to break the game badly and isn't even really useful.

Switch climate option: a temperate landscape with a toyshop and a house from toyland, a printing works from arctic and some palm trees from tropical climate

Possible Settings: Temperate, Sub-arctic, Sub-tropical, Toyland

Using Sandbox Options in Network Games

The sandbox options listed on above are not available in multiplayer games. There are two ways to enable them in Multiplayer:

Sandbox Option Effects

Using sandbox options, or as they used to be known "cheats", in the past caused the game to record the use with a tickbox to the left of the option. This is now no longer the case, although the save file itself does record whether any sandbox option has been used at any point, which can be accessed using a savegame analyser. Currently, using sandbox options in a game will also prevent your score from showing up in the High Score list, however this is a bug which will likely be fixed at some point.