OpenTTD 游戏手册
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本页面由Hotkeys (en)Hidden features (en)页面合并翻译而来。



This is a list of keyboard shortcuts used in the game. Their function can change depending on what window you have open. These are based on the latest source, hence they might not work on older versions of OpenTTD. See also the most used shortcuts and undocumented key combinations.

Some parts of the key handling in OpenTTD assumes a US Qwerty layout. If a hotkey doesn't work as documented, look on an image of the US keyboard to figure out where the key with the mentioned symbol is located on your keyboard. If that still doesn't work, you can customize the hotkey to use a different key sequence by editing hotkeys.cfg (you will still need to mind that OpenTTD assumes a US Qwerty layout and may need to write a different symbol in hotkeys.cfg than what the key produces in other programs on your computer).


Note: hotkeys.cfg is in the same root folder as your save files, ie ~/.openttd/hotkeys.cfg or ~/Documents/OpenTTD/hotkeys.cfg

Basic hotkeys
Win Mac Effect
Alt + Enter Command + Enter Enter/Exit fullscreen mode
Tab Fast forward (Hold button to fast forward, release to return to normal)
~ § Display command line Console (en).
Ctrl + Enter Resize the Console (en) to entire window and back.
Shift + Click Instead of building, a cost estimate window pops up.

Normal ingame (no menu open)
Win Mac Effect
Space Close error messages/news items
Delete Fn+Delete Close all non-sticky windows
Shift + Del Fn + Shift + Del Close all windows, even sticky ones
Esc Close active tool. Can also abort actions after pressing but before releasing the mouse button.
F1/Pause Fn+F1 Pause game
F2 Fn+F2 Game options
F3 Fn+F3 Save game
F4 Fn+F4 Map
F5 Fn+F5 Towns (en) list
F6 Fn+F6 Subsidy (en)
F7 Fn+F7 Station list (en)
F8 Fn+F8 Finances
F9 Fn+F9 Your company's general information (same as clicking on your HQ)
F10 Fn+F10 Operating Profit Graph
F11 Fn+F11 Company League table
F12 Fn+F12 Fund new industry
Shift + F1 Fn+Sft+F1 Your company's trains (Vehicle lists (en))
Shift + F2 Fn+Sft+F2 Your company's road vehicles (Vehicle lists (en))
Shift + F3 Fn+Sft+F3 Your company's ships (Vehicle lists (en))
Shift + F4 Fn+Sft+F4 Your company's aircraft (Vehicle lists (en))
Shift + F5/+ Fn+Sft+F5 Zoom in
Shift + F6/- Fn+Sft+F6 Zoom out
Shift + F7 Fn+Sft+F7 Opens the Railroad construction toolbar
Shift + F8 Fn+Sft+F8 Opens the Roadway construction toolbar
Shift + F9 Fn+Sft+F9 Opens the Dock construction toolbar
Shift + F10 Fn+Sft+F10 Opens the Airport construction toolbar
Shift + F11 Fn+Sft+F Plant trees
Shift + F12 Fn+Sft+F12 Jukebox
Arrow keys Scroll around the map
Shift + Arrow keys Scroll faster
L Open landscaping toolbar
M Shows minimap
V Opens extra viewport
A Toggles Autorail (en) mode
Z Zooms in to the mouse pointer's location
C Centers screen at mouse pointer's location
X Turn all unlocked transparency options on or off
Ctrl + X Open transparency options window
Ctrl + 1-9 Toggle a certain transparency option
Ctrl + U Clear text in input fields
Ctrl + W Abandon game and return to main menu
Ctrl + Q Quit to OS
Ctrl + S Take screenshot
Ctrl + G Takes a screenshot of the ENTIRE map*
(Disabled in the latest releases, see footnote for why)
Ctrl + B View the bounding box structure (for grf authors and other freaks).

Railroad construction
Key Effect
1 to 4 Build railroad track
5 or A Autorail (en) mode
6 Demolish tool
7 Build depot
8 Build waypoint
9 Build railway station
S Place Signals (en)
B Build bridge
T Build tunnel
R Toggle removal tool for rails, stations etc.
C Convert to this type of rail

Road construction
Key Effect
1-2 Build road
3 Autoroad tool
4 Demolish tool
5 Build road depot
6 Build bus station
7 Build truck bay
B Build bridge
T Build tunnel
R Toggle removal tool for roads

Dock construction
Key Effect
1 Build Canal
2 Build Lock
3 Demolish
4 Build shipyard
5 Build dock (harbour)
6 Place buoy

Airport construction
Key Effect
1 Construct airport
2 Demolish

Key Effect
Q Lower land
W Raise land
E Level land
U Purchase land
D Demolish tool
I Open trees window
O Place Sign (en)

Bridge construction
Key Effect
1-9 Select bridge

Scenario editor
Key Effect
F1 Pause game
F2 Game options
F3 Save scenario
F4 Land generation tool
F5 Town generation tool
F6 Industry generation tool
F7 Road construction
F8 Waterways tool
F9 Plant trees
F10 Place Sign (en)
F11 Jukebox
F12 Land area information tool

Order Window
Key Effect
D skip order
F delete order
G goto order
H non-stop
J full load any cargo
K unload all

* Note: This will take a few seconds and will seem to "freeze" OpenTTD. Also note that these screenshots are HUGE, 16352x8192 pixels on a default sized map and each screenshot takes up around 130 MB as BMP, 75 MB as PCX, and 15 MB as PNG, so watch your free space carefully. On very large maps, a full-map screenshot can be upwards of multiple gigabytes in size even in fully-compressed PNG format. This hotkey caused a lot of different problems related to accidental pressing of the keys and was removed in the latest versions. A warning was soon added for such large screenshots. If you want to use this feature, you need to edit your hotkeys.cfg and bind it there.


There are many features within OpenTTD with no GUI buttons or easily accessible to operate. To most inexperienced users, these are Hidden Features.

Here is a list of the hidden features, which are helpful, but not necessarily obvious even to experienced players. Feel free to complete this list.

This page does not list Hotkeys (en), see there for information.


The Ctrl key can be very useful. Holding it down while clicking can make tedious tasks much faster.

Action Command
Place Adjacent Station Hold Ctrl and place a station next to an existing one to create a new one instead of enlarging the existing. Needs Advanced Settings (en) "adjacent_stations" set.
Join with existing station
(r14919 / 0.7.0)
Hold Ctrl while building a station to get a list of nearby stations to choose from which station the new one should be joined with. You can still choose to create a new (adjacent) station.
Remove Function Build road/rail tool -> Hold Ctrl to toggle removing (except for signals - use R for that).
Build last built bridge type if possible
(r14805 / 0.7.0)
Ctrl + build bridge
Place Signals (en) Railway construction -> Build signal -> Ctrl + click plain railroad track
Place pre-signals Railway construction -> Build signal -> Ctrl + click already existing signal
Signals (en) autocomplete
(r10437 / 0.6.0)
Railway construction -> Build signal -> Ctrl + drag over plain railroad track. Works for remove too.
Depot window
Clone a vehicle with Orders (en) Depot window -> Clone Vehicle -> Ctrl + click a vehicle
Drag multiple train parts in depot Depot window -> Ctrl + move wagon
Show vehicle load and capacity Depot window -> Right Mouse Button on vehicle
Show vehicle load and capacity of multiple vehicles Depot window -> Ctrl + Right Mouse Button on vehicle
Reverse engine direction Ctrl + click on an engine in depot window [only if supported by NewGRF]
Purchase list
Hide/Show engine (r26805 / 1.5) Purchase list -> Ctrl + click on vehicle model
Vehicle window
Scroll to current vehicle destination (r19216 / 1.0) OpenTTD < 1.11: Vehicle window -> Ctrl + click the Start-Stop/Status bar
OpenTTD >= 1.11: Seperate button next to the Start-Stop/Status bar
Auto service Ctrl + click goto depot icon
Follow vehicle OpenTTD < 1.11: Ctrl + click "Center on vehicle" in vehicle window (normal zoom only)
OpenTTD >= 1.11: Double + click "Center on vehicle" in vehicle window (normal zoom only)
Show time table instead of orders Ctrl+click the orders button
Order list
Orders (en) Orders window -> Go To -> click a vehicle
Assign Orders (en) Orders window -> Go To -> Ctrl + click a vehicle
View location of order Orders window -> Ctrl + click an order
Order Modifiers
(r14827 / 0.7.0)
Orders window -> Go to -> Hold Ctrl while clicking on a...
  • station to automatically create a "Full load any" order
  • depot to create a "Service in Depot" order (instead of "Go to Depot")
  • waypoint to use the other non-stop option than specified as default in the Advanced Settings (en)
Timetable window
Non-destructive timetable autofill
(r14592 / 0.7.0)
Hold Ctrl while clicking on an autofill button
Timetable spreading of vehicles
(r25377 / 1.4.0)
Ctrl+Click when setting a start date on timetable
Start/stop vehicle (r19714 / 1.1) Ctrl + click vehicle on the map to start/stop it
Remove your own sign
(r13501 / 0.6.2)
Ctrl + click on the sign
View location in viewport Ctrl + click on a Location (various windows) button shows the location in a new viewport instead of scrolling the main view there
Transparency options
Lock transparency
(r12102 / 0.6.0)
Transparency settings -> Ctrl + click button to lock transparency option ('x' will not toggle it anymore)
Vehicle list
Show other type of vehicle group window than the default Hold Ctrl while opening a player's train/road vehicle/aircraft/ship list
Add all vehicles with a shared order list to a group
(r24138 / 1.3.0)
Group window -> Hold Ctrl while dragging a vehicle to a group
Finances window
Borrow/Repay maximum cash Finances window -> Ctrl + click Borrow/Repay button
Intro screen
Quick start new game
(r15690 / 0.7.0)
Hold Ctrl while clicking on "New Game" in the main menu to directly start a game without opening the "World Generation" window
Scenario editor
Remove desert in scenario editor Landscape -> Desert tool -> Ctrl + click tile


Action Description
Chat Auto Complete Use Tab to toggle through player and town names
Chat Window Shift+Enter (Shift+T) sends a message to all players, Ctrl+Enter (Ctrl+T) sends a message to all team mates and Enter (T) is customizable
Cancel Build When you click and drag to build an object but it is in the wrong place, it will be built when you release the mouse button. Instead hold the mouse button and press Esc to cancel the build.
Cost Estimation Hold Shift key while performing a build action. Works almost everywhere. Also allows you to cancel construction if you have already clicked (eg. about to build track in wrong place, just hold down Shift and release mouse button).
View location in small map After using a location button to scroll the main window to that location click again to scroll the small map to the same location.
Roll up/down window Mouse wheel up/down while hovering the cursor on a window's titlebar.

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